• krolden
    82 years ago

    But, don’t dare tell me it is my fault becasue YOUR immune system didn’t properly handle a virus

    wat. I dont think you quite understand how viruses work.

    • @GenkiFeral
      -82 years ago

      I know more about health and even viruses than most people. Your immune system handles the virus if YOU handled your immune system by making better choices. A study in CA showed that over 80% of people of 2 counties had the antibodies for the virus and yet never got sick - no symptoms. Their immune system did its job - what it evolved for millions of years to do. The other 20% didn’t get the virus yet. Covid-19 is not rabies, but works like the flu. You might feel weak for an hour, a year, or not at all - depending on how your immune system handles it. People have that crappy saying, “well, ya gotta die of somethin’”. Well, jackass, something might be here and if you have a major illness already, something might take you out a bit quicker. oh well. your choice.

      • krolden
        102 years ago

        That’s quite the long winded way of saying “i don’t care about anyone but myself”.

        • @GenkiFeral
          -72 years ago

          I am vegan and haven’t eaten mammals or fowl in over 30 years. I give rides to many hitchhkers. I care how I chose and don’t have to care for or value what you do. Its called having my own spinal column, You should look for your own.

          • Jama
            72 years ago

            So you probably aren’t human, since you care more about other species than yours. Who cares of people with conditions, who cares about poor people, who cares about fragile ones, who cares about your grandma or your mother or the one friend who will have a bad case of COVID even with completely healthy immune system, right? You don’t have any moral “spinal column”, you are just a egoistic and egocentric person who doesn’t care of anyone except yourself. You are not on any higher moral ground, you’re just selfish. And even as a selfish person, you would make the worst decision about masks and vaccine, since your survival probability are higher if you vaccinate and put a mask on. So, it’s not about control, it’s not about your “freedom”, it’s not about health, it’s about your whims

              • @pinknoise
                2 years ago

                tldr: They are sexist, racist, ignorant of the fact that not anyone has the same privilege as them and they think it is ok to put others in danger just because they don’t want to wear a mask.

                • @GenkiFeral
                  -12 years ago

                  what does wearing a mask have to do with race? I lived in West End, Atlanta and that mostly black neighborhood didn’t wear masks, either - except for a very few people.

      • Helix 🧬
        52 years ago

        Your immune system handles the virus if YOU handled your immune system by making better choices.

        What the actual fuck. There’s several other reasons for having a weak immune system.

        Covid-19 is not rabies, but works like the flu.

        This is incorrect. The flu is not a coronavirus but a virus of the category orthomyxoviridae.

        • @GenkiFeral
          -12 years ago

          your level of stupidity is surprising. a comparison is not naming a category of virus, dipship. i guess the virologist who was on national TV saying exactly what I said is also incorrect. WHY a person has a weak immune system is not my concern. The planet doesn’t revolve around a few weak people. You like science? Survival of the fittest. Evolution kills off the weak. It is humane in the long run. As a whole, sugar, white flour, and cooking/culinary oils are far more deadly than covid-19 - because they are overconsumed. If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are the top 3 killers - and mostly preventable - especially the first two. Do you want those 3 foods I mentioned made illegal or to have warning signs or to be bought only with a license and only in regulated amounts? Your logic is off and you repeat only what the MSM tells you. pathetic.

          • @pinknoise
            2 years ago

            Survival of the fittest.

            Is an emergent rule of nature, something humanity doesn’t have to abide by since most of us got something called a brain.

            It is humane in the long run.

            No it is and will be inhumane.

            If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?

            So what you want is eugenics, did I get this right?