• 13 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2022

  • I’m glad you asked, its always good to learn new things! The idea behind having a drive that automatically decrypts on boot is so you have data protection at rest when the server is off but still are able to have the server start up and run the tasks it needs to do without having to input a password before the machine starts up. Encryption keys are stored in the TPM which is usually stored on the CPU and the data should still be protected by the login prompt unless there is some type of bug that bypasses the login prompt.

    So imagine a scenario where the power goes out, even just for a small amount of time. The uninterruptible power supply connected to the server allows for clean unmounting of the filesystems and then shuts the server off. The server then comes back on when power is detected from the grid again. If an encrypted drive doesn’t have automatic decryption and requires a passphrase before boot, the services that I’m self hosting aren’t running. I’m wanting to run home assistant and a security camera NVR so that could mean that I’m stumbling around in the dark tripping over things to get to the server to type in a passphrase, or there could be a robbery and I now have no evidence of who the culprit might be.

    Having the drives automatically decrypt in a safe manner helps ensure higher availability (without me spending a small fortune in additional hardware costs because you can usually throw money at a problem to fix it), and data protection in the event of a smash and grab robbery.

    The alternative to automatically decrypting drives while ensuring my services work after power failure is to not encrypt the drives at all.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions. Thank you for your post.

  • There is a subreddit you might find interesting r/prepperfileshare

    Beyond that, you could always just vacuum seal multiple low power SOC computers with portable solar panels, couple of USB hard drives, Blu-ray drives with archival blu-ray discs and then just bury it in an appropriate container. Adequate depth in the dirt can make an effective faraday cage. Store an archive of wikipedia and other useful information. I probably wouldn’t bury any lithium batteries with the solar because they would likely be useless without receiving a charge underground for so long.

    Work on getting prepared now so you’re used to living that type of lifestyle before the bombs drop. It makes you more likely to survive unexpected circumstances while you still have civilization around to fall back upon while you’re working out all of the unforeseen kinks. Ask me an questions you might have if you have questions.

    Also the other advice in this thread is good too: prepare for the most likely disasters, and focus on strengthening your local community to local disasters.

  • I saw a video of something similar in Taiwan for electric mopeds where the people can just pick up a charged exchange battery at any time. AFAIK, the moped owners didn’t even own the batteries and just rented them from the service. This would allow people to not have to worry about long term battery recharge cycle health of batteries that they own going down over time.

  • I know I’m going to get downvoted for this, but millions of americans go to school, church, concerts, etc, and have no worries whatsoever about getting shot because the statistical probability of that happening is so low that the average American is extremely more likely to die from preventable diseases caused by poor diets or even choking on food than to die in a mass shooting. Yet despite this being the case, people tend to heavily focus conversation on mass shootings rather than poor diets because of the inherent shock value mass shootings have in the public conscious than someone they personally know that dies from heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc.

    Why isn’t there a larger focus on things that make a population sick rather than tools that allow a population to defend themselves? 🤔