Hi lemmy! So this is kind of controversial, but hear me out. Let me start off by saying I’ve been on a few reddit alternatives, as I’ve mentioned in different posts, and I’ve seen language that is very hateful. I was disgusted by the language, but after seeing it over and over again, I just got sad. These people only know fear and hatred. I’m not sure anyone’s shown them kindness.

Should we be kind to those that we disagree with or that use hateful speech?

  • Ephera
    3 years ago

    My experience has been that it’s basically futile. Their past and their whole present situation have entrenched this hatred. One kind soul on the internet isn’t going to fix that.
    They might even turn you away, because they have fundamental trust issues and basically see it as a form of aggression when someone is inexplicably nice to them.

    You also need to be wary of the Paradox of Tolerance, i.e. don’t be too tolerant towards their views.

    • sinewyshadowOP
      3 years ago

      I’m not saying to tolerate their views. Definitely call out their bullshit.

      • Ephera
        3 years ago

        I don’t just mean that you should call them out when they’re actively spewing bullshit.
        They will often start out with discussions of slightly controversial topics and, you know, only playing devil’s advocate, only discussing that because it’s “interesting”, and of course some bullshit related to free speech.

        But then they won’t stop there. The topics will get more controversial, more and more about violence and the worth of humans.

        And I’m saying, if you notice them drifting off into that direction, to stop being nice. Don’t try to reason with them anymore. Do take it personal and show that to them, if they’re glorifying violence against a group of people (even though you’re not in that particular group).

        Like, I’ve told my own dad that he should go fuck himself when he suggested that it’s good when more Afghans get killed, so that they can’t flee and seek asylum here.
        And I think, he understood that I’m willing to cut ties, if he continues being a racist asshole. Because he did shut the fuck up after that.

        That’s my two cents. Obviously your mileage may vary.

        • sinewyshadowOP
          3 years ago

          I told them that a certain word was hate speech against a marginalized group of people. They called me a bunch of names. One guy said his hate speech was directed at me, and not at a group of so it couldn’t be bad or something like that. These people are quite backasswards in their thinking. They make illogic out of the logical.

      • a_Ha
        3 years ago

        “Tit for Tat with forgiveness”. When the opponent makes war, on the next move, the player sometimes makes peace anyway, with a small probability.
        Ref : Peace war game