I love free software, but my wallet keeps my with a cheap Google phone…so, I watch what I do here, but don’t worry about “software freedom”…there is a Lemur app in Google Play, and when I sign on, it just spins and spins and…you get it.

So, I jumped through the hoops to allow F Droid on my phone…and here I am all signed in! 😊

  • ✨ krawieck ✨
    2 years ago

    what instance were you trying to sign into? because i just tried it with lemmy.ml and it works. also could you also say the version of the app? (you can find it in settings->about lemmur) in general there’s some stuff in the app that might not work because we haven’t updated the app to work with the latest changes to the api yet. but basic stuff works, that’s something that i’m sure of

    edit: also wanted to note that this is not an official app, we are independently working on it as a hobby. the official android app is being worked on but idk how far are they with the project

    • @stopitOP
      42 years ago

      The Lemur app I had from play store was updated on Jan 14 2022 and in the play store that is the last one listed.

      Anyhow, I’m happily using Lemur as we speak, just downloaded from F Droid instead…and again, thank you for your work. I really like this app!

    • @stopitOP
      32 years ago

      I understand it’s not official…and thank you for putting work into this! like I said, it works from Droid, but not Google Play(I prefer Droid anyhow). I uninstalled…but let me check the play store and get the version number for you.

      • ✨ krawieck ✨
        22 years ago

        oh, okay. i think i understand the situation now. the version on the play store is a bit older because something broke with the release pipeline :/ i will fix it but im a bit busy atm so we’ll see when ill be able to do it

        but the bottom line is: sorry about it not working, we’ll be working on it, for now just use the F-Droid version

        • @stopitOP
          12 years ago

          I prefer to use Droid anyhow…even though I’m still using a vanilla Google phone. Sigh

    • Peter1986C
      2 years ago

      The official app for Lemmy is known as “Jerboa for Lemmy” in the Play Store. It works pretty well.

      • @nutomicA
        42 years ago

        I dont think it should be considered as “official app”, its just one of many that you can choose from.

      • @stopitOP
        32 years ago

        Jerobo from the play store for me. I got a “new” cheap Google phone after my old cheapy (Obama phone) stopped turning on!

        Anyhow, I didn’t try jeroba in Droid but, Lemur in Droid works… as you can see !

  • 10_0
    22 years ago

    The playstore version might be outdated, I just updated my fdroid version and the infinite spinning while trying to login was fixed.

    • @stopitOP
      22 years ago

      Exactly the same here