    279 months ago

    I’m not banned, just don’t want to be there due to Spez’s bullshit

  • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
    219 months ago

    I said Palestinians should be able to defend themselves in world news and they kicked me right out, then afterwards every time I went into trash talk threads on the Hockey subreddit admins would give me 3day bans for bullying, or one time I got banned for ‘encouraging violence’ for talking about a fight that happened in a hockey game. I asked the admin if that was encouraging violence how come you allow MMA subreddits. No response.

    • Altima NEO
      9 months ago

      Reminds me of when I was temporarily banned for encouraging violence when I suggested someone needed a long nap.

  • @daniskarma@lemmy.world
    179 months ago

    Called out on a guy that was faking being Ukrainian for getting a free card making xenofóbic comments and denying the Armenian genocide (he was indeed from Turkey). I presented prove and evidences that he changed his flair from Turkish to Ukrainian and stated saying in every post that he was Ukrainian just after the Russian invasion, and that he was doing it to get more attention from people while he went full on denying any crime done in the present or the past by Turkey/Ottomans.

    Somehow I ended up banned and he did not. r/Europe in a nutshell. I never step a foot in that subreddit after that.

  • Finnbot
    169 months ago

    I reported a Fox News post that claimed climate change has no effect on the rise in wildfires. First time ever reporting anything there, and maybe reported a handful of racist comments before that.

    Not even an hour later I got the message that I had been permanently banned! Appealed it, they said they’d reviewed the ban and it stands. Fucking laughable!!

    • Altima NEO
      89 months ago

      Reddit mods are full of it man.

      I got banned from pc master race because I mentioned another subreddit (the precursor to hydrohomies). It has the “nword” in its name, so I was cautious and censored myself with asterisks., “water*****”. They banned me under the pretense of racism. Like what? I didnt decide the subs name and all they talked about there was drinking water, regardless of race, skin color, religion, etc. I tried to appeal, and just “alluding” to that subs name was enough for me to be considered racist. Like damn, pot calling the kettle black, there, huh PC “master race”?

      • Finnbot
        59 months ago

        What the fuck. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic! The mods over there are a bunch of bawbags.

        • manitcor
          19 months ago

          good strat when you support that kind of thing but want to make “true” statements about dealing with hate speech.

          spez has a history with some of the most disgusting subs on the site.

  • @JoumanaKayrouz@lemmy.world
    159 months ago

    I was permanently suspended from reddit because on a /r/hockeyplayers “chirp” thread a guy shared a picture of his white skates and I asked if his boyfriend had a matching pair.

  • Dr. Moose
    149 months ago

    I got banned once because I used to make a new account every few months and accidently commented in a subreddit I’ve been blocked before. This means reddit tracks your different accounts by email or ip address. I bet the place is evil internally.

    • @Doxin@yiffit.net
      179 months ago

      I mean that sort of thing is pretty much standard operating procedure for any forum. Whenever you ban anyone the first thing they’ll do is make a new account. Keeping out the spammers and whatnot is hard enough without return customers.

    • Altima NEO
      19 months ago

      Thats pretty normal, though. Even Discord does that. Its for ban evasion. Some unsavory people will go to lengths to keep coming back to place to keep harassing people even after being banned.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      12 years ago

      Aside from which side do you support (if you even support one) that’s just an strategic opinion from my point fo view.

  • @Jaderick@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I got banned from a bunch of right wing subreddits (r/conservative, r/askthedonald etc.) because I either posted articles disproving whatever garbage the post was spewing, or called people idiots because: they would make up a bunch of claims, they didn’t post any sources, and a quick google search proved them wrong.

    I got banned from a bunch of left wing subreddit (r/againsthatesubreddits etc) for posting in and calling right wing subreddit people stupid and stating that pitbulls are far more dangerous than the average dog type, with links.

  • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    92 years ago

    Got banned from /r/geopolitics after one of the mods saw that I frequented the chapotraphouse sub back when it was in its heyday. Vaguely remember him saying something about how “unserious” perspectives like a communist pov wasn’t allowed.

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      -12 years ago

      What’s the most controversial thing you’ve said on there ?

      • Inkie
        102 years ago

        Since I’m also in the never banned club, the most controversial thing I ever said on Reddit, based entirely on community reactions, was probably “americans perceive everyone outside america as sub-humans who are beneath self-determination, like they should be the ones to choose how we do everything”.

        Sounds like at least among lefties this should have been an uncontroversial statement, but gods I made some gringos mad on that day.

        • comfy
          22 years ago

          Hah, only controversial to me for the mass generalization of a wide group of 300 million. There are absolutely many who see it that way, although also many millions who don’t.

          • Inkie
            42 years ago

            The millions who don’t do not hold power.

            Saying “Americans” might be a gross generalisation, but as long as your country acts like the planet’s collective abusive partner, I’ll just. Continue to shit on y’all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @ThatOtherDude@lemmy.world
    89 months ago

    I went to several pro-DWAC (Truth Social) investment subreddits and explained how margin accounts are “the dirty trick wall street doesn’t want you to learn!” and gave them instructions on how to request it.

  • Ninmi
    82 years ago

    It’s probably worth noting that getting banned from Reddit means that the majority of Lemmy instances would likely ban you as well.

    And to actually answer the question, I’ve never been banned.

    • comfy
      52 years ago

      Yes and also no, some things reddit bans for non-social commercial reasons, like sharing piracy links and content and DMCA. Lots of Lemmy instances are still able to let that fly effortlessly.

    • Lenins2ndCat
      12 years ago

      I got a 7day ban from reddit for posting pigpoopballs.jpg to someone. Hexbear has this as an emote.

      When I appealed with the message “It’s a pig with poop on its balls” they raised it to a permaban.

  • @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    My account never got banned, I just got tired of looking at political shit— especially at liberal/reactionary nonsense— every single day, so I deleted it and came over here, where we don’t put up with as much bullshit as we did over there.

    I did get banned from a bunch of subs, though.

    One of my favorite bans was when r/196 banned me for linking the whole Tank Man video under a “muh Tiny Moon Square” meme, which clearly shows the “Tank Man” leaving without so much as a scratch, a level of restraint that American police don’t show to anyone except to fascist wankers.