• DankZedong OP
      2 years ago

      ‘Mom, dad, I have to tell you something. I’m Ukrainian.’

      Edit: deleted the pic. I don’t wanna offend the Ukrainians that got dragged into this shit.

  • Breadbeard
    2 years ago

    the weaponisation of the LGBTQ movement (or at least the cover of it) and integration by manipulation to rightwing cold war causes is unbelievable, even the saudis and quataris are bepuzzled, while happily throwing gays off of towers… ukraine is not a fucking gender.

    this will fracture the movement into politics that are not actually part of the original goal. and i guess they overheard all the azov nazis talking about stabbing and murdering gays and transpeople which they summarize under the term педераст which literally means pedo

    • DankZedong OP
      222 years ago

      I don’t get it either. LGBTQ+ rights are a fight of itself. Why drag Ukraine into this? Without checking how Ukraine thinks about gay and trans rights? It has absolutely nothing to do with Pride activism.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Russia has no bigger of a homophobia issue than any other country in the region. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, they all use the same rhethoric, that gays are “pedophiles” and “liberal/western degenerates”. Even in the US darlings the Baltic States this idea is very common. But western media acts as if only Russia has this. Besides, the west using “LGBT activism” as a cover for western imperialism is literally promoting these ideas, since it validates the position that LGBT people are “western funded degenerates” sent to destoy the country. The west is literally making the problem worse.

        • @xxcvzvcxx@lemmygrad.ml
          82 years ago

          The “war for human rights” has replaced the “war on terrorism”.

          The war for human rights where they fight on the side of Nazis.

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        122 years ago

        It’s quite intentional. It’s a trap. You are either with TEAM GOOD GUYS (who obviously support everything Good ™ and like puppies and pride flags), or you are automatically TEAM EVIL VILLAINS, who eat puppies and hate gays. Proof? What are you, team evil? Think maybe supporting Nazis is not cool? You must hate gays then! Evil bad guy! Boo!

        It’s an attempt, arguably quite successful, to create an association between certain ideas and items, that don’t actually exist. And it works both ways, too.

        • Breadbeard
          72 years ago

          why can’t we at least use the traditional attributions of fucking goats and eating children, isn’t that what all evil peoples do?

          • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
            62 years ago

            Funny you should mention children. I’ve seen posts like “Putin bathes in children’s blood to rejuvenate himself” or something along those lines. Give it time.

            • No joke, here on spanish TV they are literally saying that Putin is dying of cancer and that he regularly bathes in deer blood to survive somehow.

              • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
                42 years ago

                The “dying of cancer” narrative is apparently quite pervasive. It’s seeping into Russian media as well, to the point of (so I’ve heard) Lavrov had to come on TV and say it’s fake. To which the reaction was “well if he’s saying it’s fake, it must 100% be true!”.

                • Breadbeard
                  22 years ago

                  everybody dies of cancer. or some sort of cardiac arrest. it s part of life

              • Breadbeard
                42 years ago

                does he also adhere to urotherapy, aura cleansing and magic mineral salt?

            • Breadbeard
              22 years ago

              no, that’s actually Peter Thiel, the guy who decides who is your next tinder date…

    • DankZedong OP
      192 years ago

      Nazi’s were bad but did you know that Russian orcs kill babies, rape them, eat them, throw what’s left in a mass grave, rape the mass grave, then bomb it with chemical weapons? They’re even worse than Nazi’s!

      • Breadbeard
        12 years ago

        you know as the mythology goes, “the ring” is a metaphor for religion. so, if frodo walks out of russia and into the US (mordor) and throws the ring into the fire and ends religion, all will be good, George Sauron Bush jr. and his nazgul will fall from the skies, the orcs will disappear back into the dark valleys of the rocky mountains, the dark eye aka NSA will cease to exist and with the black rock in our posession, we can go back to caressing our hobbit leg hair and smoking pipe

    • Breadbeard
      112 years ago

      nazis, the great defenders of lgbtq rights against evil communist russians and the asiatic hordes. or something along those lines…

  • @comradecarti@lemmygrad.ml
    192 years ago

    This is a brilliant idea. In fact, once the war is over, they should the pride parade in Kiev and invite the wholesome Azov battalion. I’m sure they’ll be happy to help!

    • DankZedong OP
      2 years ago

      What a friendly looking bunch of guys with their Svoboda flags, a checks notes far-right ultranationalistic neonazi party currently active in the Ukrainian government. I wonder if they come to the Dublin Pride?

      • JucheBot1988
        172 years ago

        What a well-dressed, cool-looking guy on the poster, wonder who he was. Probably some wholesome gay rights activist or something!

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    162 years ago

    Liberals are really going all out on this, and won’t stop tainting other much more important things until the war is over.

    I can’t wait for the cope explosion when Ukraine finally loses, liberals are going to lose their god damn minds.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      72 years ago

      liberals are going to lose their god damn minds.

      Further than the current state? Hoo boy, I am not looking forward to this.

    • @TrimmyTrim@lemmygrad.ml
      22 years ago

      Ummmmmmm sweaty, the wholesome Asov buff boys are already in Moscow? Communist capitalist Putin has already lost and this time we’re doing a minority version of Yeltsin. Anything else is literal Russian propagada.

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    132 years ago

    The LGBTQ+ community should be extremely insulted that this was shoehorned into their movement.

  • Breadbeard
    2 years ago

    what’s the black&brown in the flag? nazis and conservatives? just put it into the US flag format and have stars, hammer&sickles and a few swastikas on it too, will ya…

    • DankZedong OP
      132 years ago

      I actually had no idea so I googled it. It stand for black and brown people. The adding of these colours was controversial, but some people claim that without black and brown activists, there would be no pride movement.

      I don’t have no deeper knowledge on this topic, so I can’t really comment. But what started as a movement for LGBTQ+ people is now a movement for a whole lot of other people, all cramped into one ‘box’. Not sure what I think about that really.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        152 years ago

        The first pride was a riot where trans black women bricked cops in the Greenwich Village of Manhattan, in front of the Stonewall Inn. The LGBT movement existed before it, but essentially grew out of the riot, and that’s the justification many have for including minority races within the LGBTQIA+ flag. But, many say the inclusion makes it nothing more than a minority flag, and thus belittles it. People can argue over which side is right, but imo that argument distracts from the far more important things to focus on… such as trans women being one of the most common minorities to be murdered.

        This is a picture of Marsha P. Johnson, who is claimed to have started the riot

      • Breadbeard
        82 years ago

        i know, it was a pun. in general,the lgbtq movement is ideologically interdependent with decolonisation and anti-imperialism. can’t be separated basically, as they fight against the idea of the subalternous classes and class division along such lines. i personally think the color red actually entails all of this, but hey, that’s just me…

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        2 years ago

        It’s also representative of interracial marriage, particularly marriage between white and black/brown ethnicities. Which was seen in the West as just as bad as LGBTQ+ were seen as, not that long ago.