3 year old account with 45k karma, very specifically avoided doing anything bannable, haven’t been on reddit in two weeks, came back to this this morning.

  • @xpladv570@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    wear it as a badge of honor, reddit is a garbage site. internet forums died for this absolute rubbish, just like all hip social media it contributed to killing discussions and made accessing past information as clunky as possible because oh no we cant have people browsing 3 day old posts! oh. more than 500 comments? too fucking bad you cant read the rest hahahaha

    i will drink to the day reddit will end up like facebook - a relic stuck in the past, held alive by a failed generation that achieved absolutely nothing other than destruction and decay. it will be a good day indeed

  • Getting banned from Reddit is like receiving a restraining order from the local sewage processing facility.

    Sucks to hear that you got banned without cause, especially given how cautious you were to avoid trouble, but take it as a good indication of how cynical Reddit admins are and how they will take any measures to ensure that the discourse on reddit will never be revolutionary.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭M
    222 years ago

    My account was destroyed today too, after receiving multiple suspensions. We served soviet genzedong till our last post.

      • @roccopun@lemmygrad.ml
        62 years ago

        Same for me just from nothing to complete suspension, I can’t even log in anymore. Been using reddit for maybe 8 years now finally time to leave the shit site, I uninstalled the app right after finding out. Watched subs like r/geopolitics going from neutral discussions to complete common denominator foaming abd circlejerks, and r/worldnews going from pushing one anti-China/Russia story per days to now those making up like 80% of the entire sub.

        • Someone with sitewide admin access decided to nuke a bunch of people just for posting in gzd without even pretending to follow their “rules” and it’s incredibly obvious. I’ve had bans rescinded in the past when it’s happened and it’s always super obvious some pissy little baby on a power trip was browsing and saw someone too leftist for their tastes.

      • red_red_revolution
        32 years ago

        “How dare you not blindly believe corporate media! In the name of free speech and democracy, we BAN YOU, and all the filthy or-I mean, propagandists!”
        Sincerely Reddit Admins

  • @TheBlurstOfGuys@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Mine was a couple of weeks ago. Around 2 years old, no idea what karma it had. What shocked me was that they went after my only alt that I used exclusively for fantasy football too. I appealed and they got back today with a fuck off. I was banned for telling a yank to burn in hell as he mocked they millions killed by the US.

  • immoral_hedge
    182 years ago

    Thank you for your service. My account is still up, daily loosing 300~500 karma for posting anything that goes against The Narrative. Guess i need to repost some kittens to r/awhh again.

  • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.ml
    132 years ago

    I have not been banned nor suspended.

    And I talk shit. A lot. The only thing is, I dont go into worldnews or politics hugboxes where it’s totally okay to demand the erasure of all Russians.

    Maybe that’s why. I smack talk crackers all over the place in GenZedong. But I dont engage like that in liberal subs unless im confronted. Then it’s on sight.

    • I’m betting it’s my occasional bad habit of going into economics subs and trapping the ghouls into admitting they place no value on human life that got me popped.

    • @xxcvzvcxx@lemmygrad.ml
      22 years ago

      ECS users mass report everyone who posts on GenZedong and brag about getting people banned. Posting on GenZedong is absolutely not safe, you’ve just been lucky.

    • red_red_revolution
      22 years ago

      I usually stick to leftists subs… but I got into it hardcore with some anarchists/liberals on r/SRAWeekend. It was wild and I dread a ban.

  • @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    132 years ago

    My account got suspended more then 2 weeks ago lol, it have 80k karma i think, it was 1 year old but i only started using it for real when i found r/GenZedong lol

  • @LittleSpoon@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I got suspended a few days ago after getting into it with a landlord. He said Mao killed 500 billion people or whatever and landlords were indiscriminately murdered and asked me if I supported that. I said if it was people like him who were the target then it had my full and uncritical support. I normally don’t get that far into it on Reddit but this was after he said he enjoyed watching tenants “scurry like roaches” after being served a 3 day notice to vacate. I don’t care if they restore my account, I’m done with that site anyways. Fuck Reddit and fuck landlords.

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      32 years ago

      For a second I thought you were talking about an IRL experience and was a little too excited about it.