
  • @dizzyOP
    254 years ago

    That’s good to hear, I’ve got very little idea of how the fediverse works nor how moderation works on these types of sites so thanks for clarifying. I had a look to see if c/the_donald existed and although it seems to, I could see the following:

    Make America Great Again removed by mod

    No Posts.

    Does that mean the community has been removed by a mod then or something else?

    • @nutomicA
      294 years ago

      That’s exactly what it means.

      • @dizzyOP
        4 years ago

        So with the way Lemmy currently works, could someone create a community, write some hate speech in the community description and that description stays up forever?

        E: Apologies if it would have been more appropriate to ask this question in c/lemmy_support

        • Maya
          134 years ago

          I’m just gonna guess here, but I’m pretty sure there are manual steps an instance admin can take to nerf that stuff in the database

          • @PorkrollPosadist
            4 years ago

            Additionally, there is a plan to implement a purge feature for particularly egregious posts, but as long as these communities are not allowed to spread their roots here, there shouldn’t be much of an issue. Seeing fascists and bigots getting whacked in the mod log doesn’t bother me much at all.

            There’s nothing stopping them from setting up their own instances (like Gab did with Mastodon), but they will be ostracized from the fediverse.

    • @Corkyskog@sh.itjust.works
      310 months ago

      Shitjustworks just voted to delist exploding heads from their instance. Beehaw is not federated with two of the largest (lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works) because they are worried about bots.