How the heck do I avoid Cloudflare when selecting a web host, please? I was considering getting a DigitalOcean “droplet” and running something in that, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be inside Cloudflare’s evil embrace.

I asked in what I thought was an obvious place but was met by bewildered looks.

  • @jay91
    42 years ago

    I just want to know, what makes cloudflare that bad? i hear a lot voices telling that cloudflare is evil, but i heard no facts!. So what make people hates it this much?

    • DessalinesA
      72 years ago

      They’re a man in the middle for half the internet. They get all your form submits, including passwords and other personal info, in plain text.

    • @xarvos
      52 years ago

      Perpetual captchas and not letting people to log in or even viewing websites are examples of their hostility.