• Graveyard Leprechaun
    73 years ago

    Masturbation is normal, healthy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it according to the vast majority of doctors, scientists and psychiatrists. I would be far more concerned about anyone who claims they’ve never masturbated. If you are in a relationship and you don’t feel the need - good for you. Not everyone is in that same boat.

    • @MarcellusDrumOP
      183 years ago

      I’m not talking about mastrubation, I’m talking about cumming in a sock specifically. Its a lighthearted joke, don’t take it too seriously.

      • @Lightbritelite
        83 years ago

        I had a friend tell me about getting a weird infection from doing just this in his, uh, regular sock

      • @null_radix
        73 years ago

        yeah its the sock that is the problem here

      • Graveyard Leprechaun
        -13 years ago

        The idea behind the meme is making fun of people who masturbate. Whether it was your personal intent or not, that’s the message of the meme and so that’s what I was addressing.

        • @MarcellusDrumOP
          33 years ago

          Its on you if you understood a clearly phrased meme wrong.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      113 years ago

      Agree, my question is why socks? I do not use socks for that xD

      • Graveyard Leprechaun
        33 years ago

        I dunno…why not socks? It’s no different than using a towel, really? What’s your cum-receptacle of choice, and why? :)

        • Sr Estegosaurio
          13 years ago

          Hmmm, I do not use anything, after I end I just clean myself or just use a snot(? idk if it’s what I mean, my English not working correctly) But now I think that a lot of times for cleaning myself with my socks/underwear if I’m going to sleep and those clothes will be washed.

    • Support Trans People
      -103 years ago

      If you are in a relationship and you don’t feel the need - good for you

      no, just no. not masturbating is one of the worst far-right talking points

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        83 years ago

        If you have someone to do that for you it can be even better hahahaha

          • Dessalines
            203 years ago

            No one mentioned women except for you. And not equals has nothing to do with hate, its a logical operator.

            This is your 2nd warning to stop trolling, if you continue, you will be banned.

          • @MarcellusDrumOP
            113 years ago

            Who said anything about women? They said “someone”, maybe that someone is a man? Or are you such a bigot you don’t accept men giving each others handjobs?

              • ✨ krawieck ✨
                133 years ago

                Turns out I was taught to use a hate symbol in school 🤯

                • Support Trans People
                  -193 years ago

                  using a hateful symbol despite being warned about it, wow. that’s hate speech 101

                  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                    3 years ago

                    Some white supremacists have adopted the mathematical sign “≠” (Not Equal or Not Equal To) as a white supremacist symbol. The use of this symbol is an attempt to claim that different races are not equal to each other (and to imply that the white race is superior).

                    Do you realise we are not talking about races? And I have not even seen this symbol used in this way anywhere, despite taking occasional rounds of /pol/ to stay in the loop about their lingo. What drugs are you taking to get this high?

                    Edit: oh I totally forgot to tell, I am not an Anglo, but an Indian. Those “whites” colonised us, you insensitive person.

              • Helix
                13 years ago

                he was thinking of women as sexual objects, educate yourself

                How can one educate themselves about other people’s thoughts?

          • Sr Estegosaurio
            3 years ago
            1. Who said women?
            2. I didn’t said anything about treating people as objects… But okey, whatever It was a joke talking about if you have a sexual partner (idk how to say it) it can be as good or even better than just masturbating alone, idk is a different experience and that stuff.

            It’s quite sad the fact that I’m explaining this joke…

      • Graveyard Leprechaun
        33 years ago

        You can’t possibly think that that’s what I was saying. Read my full statement again, silly person. :)