Unfortunately the obvious ones are already taken (lemmy.social, lemmy.org) or incredibly expensive (lemmy.com). Do you have any other ideas for a good domain? Or alternatively, we could just go with lemmy.ml.

  • @wraptile
    24 years ago

    I’d disagree with you here. Most names have meaning. Further there’s a lot of marketing value in a name and especially negative value in a bad name (trademarks, miss-associations, search engines etc.). For example in the latest news Matrix is renaming their chat clients (Riot etc.) I think name is especially relevant for a social network project such as lemmy.

    I don’t have any great suggestions yet but I’ll come back to this thread if something pops into mind.

    • Maya
      74 years ago

      Lots of names have meaning but orthogonal to what they signify. Women named Crystal are not particularly differently structured on the molecular level. The SEO value is significant, that’s true–but if there’s no other Lemmy software, it’s not too bad.

      • @wraptile
        24 years ago

        Babies don’t have any personalities so meaningful naming is really impossible. However adult nicknames do have meaning and someone who’s nickname is Big Cheese definitely has indication of their personality and them as a being.

        • Maya
          24 years ago

          Okay, sure. But Googol -> Google isn’t, like, Surchit.

    • @k_o_t
      4 years ago

      Most names have meaning.

      Could you provide some examples (genuinely asking)? I kind of always thought that most names either didn’t have meaning at all, or they have attained meaning by doing something very notable, with which they’ve become associated, or meaning if they’re named after some object/notion that represents things in real world

      Although I’m sure it varies from language to language…

      • @wraptile
        24 years ago

        For humans you can just google name meanings — there’s a lot of research in that regard mostly because by extreme popularity of baby name books. For example my name is Bernard and that means “brave as a bear” (literal bear’s heart) and Dexter just means right handed in latin (dexi).

        Here in Thailand naming is particularly interesting. Most people get two names, one traditional Thai name that means so animal/flower inspired name or abstract meaning, but that’s not the name they go by in public. Instead everyone gets a nickname that sometimes is as silly as “pizza” and by that instead which is such a fun system in my opinion!

        As for projects most projects have apt name too, for example reddit is a play on words for “read it” as in “I’ve read it on reddit”. Slashdot is a play on unix directories, google is play on number googol as to imply they have that many search results.

        • @k_o_t
          24 years ago

          Here in Thailand naming is particularly interesting. Most people get two names, one traditional Thai name that means so animal/flower inspired name or abstract meaning, but that’s not the name they go by in public. Instead everyone gets a nickname that sometimes is as silly as “pizza” and by that instead which is such a fun system in my opinion!

          lol, that’s bizarrely cool :)

          and yes, ok, some names clearly do have meanings/represented by things in the real world, but I still think that a Lemmy is an interesting and somewhat catchy name :)