Ok, so if you ever get into a kerfuffle with an anarkiddy about state socialism or “tankies”, then use this statement:

Anarchism is unfeasible because the lack of a state makes a nation vulnerable because it doesn’t have a centralized military to protect itself. Marx’s “stateless classless moneyless” society is only possible if the whole world is under one state socialist government first. However, what anarchists want is to go directly from capitalism to stateless socialism, which is impossible.

    • dinomug
      63 years ago

      Rojava is a puppet entity of the NATO, controlled by the separatists YPG/PKK. Since the invaders could not overthrow the Syrian government, they now seek to dismember the country to make it ungovernable and facilitate their plunder. It is a coincidence that this “banana republic” is located in an area of rich hydrocarbon deposits. And by the way, who is in charge of facilitating the transportation, sale and payment of this resource? A Picture.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      43 years ago

      No, not at all actually. Western Leftists just decided to back Rojava without knowing much about it, then decided to call it “anarchist” to suit their political arguments.

      Kurdistan is divided between two political groups, that manifest themselves between the YPG (and YPJ) and the Peshmerga. The YPG follows a more ‘democratic’ variation of Socialism, upholding the social and economic values of Socialism, but still believe in the state. They might have Anarchist elements, but the YPG aren’t Anarchists. Then, the Peshmerga of Iraqi Kurdistan, are much more conservative. I couldn’t tell you much about their economic values, but I can tell you they’re shitty about social values. Neither major faction is Anarchist, though.

    • Rojava, which means West in Kurd, oppresses their Assyrian population to make an ethnostate. You cannot oppress people without a state and, as far as I know, they have never claimed to be anarchists.