I noticed this while listening to music, but it seems to be similar in other media such as twitch streams. You would think that such an important would be mentioned a lot because it affects everyone, but it seems to be strongly avoided.

  • @hburb3ri
    43 years ago

    It doesn’t. I see it mentioned everywhere literally non-stop.

    • @Manmoth
      3 years ago

      Agreed. What I don’t see is any analysis about how this has basically been a controlled burn of small businesses across the country. Walmart stayed open while a small retailer had to stay closed. Corporations are consolidating power. I drove through the main street of my town the other day and it’s just depressing. There were always minimal chain stores/restaurants but they seem to have bought all the buildings that individuals put their life savings into to modernize/renovate for their enterprise.

    • Mostly thirding this, I’ll admit I don’t see anything on say the Youtube front page, but I suspect that’s because they’re blanket censoring everything covid19 related. Its not as easy to find Dr. Campbell’s stuff as it used to be last year, at least for me.

      Wouldn’t surprise me if record labels are following suit and have a blanket ban or heavy limitation on the word.

      Lastly, people don’t like to focus on the negatives and if they’re gaming its usually for lighthearted enjoyment.

      • @Manmoth
        13 years ago

        Just checked youtube and (at least on my machine) there is an entire COVID-19 section right below the trending videos. It’s all major news networks though.