Rando on the internet debunks Christianity in comments section with a vague fact (he probably misheard) from Jews.
Rando on the internet debunks Christianity in comments section with a vague fact (he probably misheard) from Jews.
Wow you mean Jews don’t think Christ is the messiah?!? Lol.
Arianism was settled in the 3rd and 4th centuries. We can move on now.
Agreed that it’s a Zionist invention but would argue it is not to exclude Muslims but instead to build support for said Zionism by smuggling it into the dispensationalist doctrine of modern Evangelicals in the anglosphere.
In the Orthodox church they fully immerse for baptism. Understanding that sometimes due to disabilities or other issues this is not possible there are other methods that can be used such as pouring but they are not preferred.
They don’t have better retention rates.
CA, NY, IL and MA are all in the top 5 for states that have the most people leaving.
TX, FL, NC and AZ are attracting the most people.
Massachusetts has priced out average people. If you aren’t the inheritor of some generational wealth you have a better chance of being upwardly mobile elsewhere.
You go on Joe Rogan for one. Kamala ran the last presidential campaign that will ever rely so heavily on the legacy media apparatus. This whole cycle proved that they are only broadcasting to themselves and real people are elsewhere on podcasts, twitter and YT.
Gotcha. FWIW I have no bone to pick with Oklahoma at all. If anything the fact that people criticize it for being a backwater probably means that it’s awesome.
Unlike Massachusetts which was totally uninhabited when people settled there.
How is Massachusetts being outrageously expensive not diametrically opposed to “quality of life”? The average person can’t get ahead in Massachusetts which is why they are leaving to go elsewhere.
There’s higher demand to live in Florida and Texas. Look at the domestic immigration numbers. People are leaving CA, NY, IL and MA in droves.
Assuming that is a missile silo or something in which case I stand corrected on that front!
How is people leaving almost exclusively “progressive” places an indicator of competition?
Look at the inverse of that chart. Most people in the country are moving to places like Florida, Texas and Idaho.
Massachusetts is also 4th in the country for states with the most people leaving to live elsewhere.
No doubt due to cost of living because Massachusetts is ridiculously expensive. The friends I have there are either leaving or totally resigned to not owning a house or ever retiring. Comparing a historically important coastal population center to a historically poor and strategically insignificant flyover state doesn’t prove much.
The states with highest domestic emigration (e.g. people voting with their feet to leave) are overwhelmingly left leaning. (Except for Louisiana and Ohio)
Tbf calling it peasant class is more honest. The new planes economy sections must have been designed by the same people who designed cattle cars.
As someone “on the right” this is actually good advice for the future. The left’s obsession with victimhood and the orwellian nomenclature for “identity” is tiresome to the average person.
“Cishet”, for example, is basically a pejorative for “normal person”.
Dehumanize political enemies by calling them fascists
Marginalize normal people
Lose an election by historic margins
“We’re losing our democracy!”
4B movement
Women self-identifying their value as sexual in nature
Still didn’t address any of my questions. No there there. You are bed wetting over nothing.
clueless reply
I understand it’s difficult to experience someone with a different opinion
Aileen Cannon operates within the confines of the law for a politically motivated prosecution
Murdoch media
I don’t have cable.
hiking group
Only cool thing you’ve said
hurdur you’re dumb
I don’t care.
Join the Eastern Orthodox church.