The clumsiness of the redesign aside, I’ve noticed that the experience on mobile is getting progressively worse as time goes on.

Now it’s almost impossible to browse reddit on mobile via browser, as you’re almost always get hit with the “see this community in app” or “log in to view this community”.

I use Slide or Narwhal as my reddit clients on mobile, and while this might be subjective, I’ve noticed how the experience has gotten progressively worse over time: gifs/videos take longer to load or don’t load at all, notifications either don’t arrive or arrive with great delays and a lot of other quality of life worsenings.

Part of this is probably due to the nature of third party apps and reddit’s api etc etc, but I get the unshakeable feeling that reddit is trying to close down it’s ecosystem, a la “death by a thousand cuts”.

Has anyone else noticed something similar or is it just me?

  • DessalinesA
    123 years ago

    Its definitely a possibility that they’ll shut down or heavily restrict 3rd party mobile clients in order to funnel people toward their official ad-ridden app, just like twitter did.

    • @clockwise_bit
      43 years ago

      That’s a shame, as many others I already use a third party client (slide in my case), because the website is heavier than a whale.
      There are still interesting subreddits that are not political or full of bad people, usually DIY is one of them, selfhosted follows in tow (even though it’s becoming progressively worse).

      I hope they’ll at least leave the rss feed working, it might be the last step before being forced to use their new app/website.