• Sr Estegosaurio
    42 years ago

    I do not. But since some months ago I decided to stop eating trash food. Try to avoid all ultra processed crap and cook more.

    So far I feel much better.

    • @MerchantsOfMisery
      2 years ago

      I’ll add that drinking more water instead of other drinks (i.e. juice, milk, etc.) is another great way of improving overall health. Tap water > bottle (in most cases in developed countries)

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        42 years ago

        Compleatly agree!

        I just drink water (tap watter, I don’t want to waste plastic for no reason. I have a filter.) and anythitg else. Sometimes I prepare orange juice manually at home (only in winter since it’s the orange season.) for breakfast.

        I used to order drinks when I was eating out, but I stopped. Stay hidrated. :D

        • @yxzi
          22 years ago

          Everyone who’s lucky enough to live in a place with potable tap water should drink that whenever possible! Also, you can just bring a bottle & refill it anywhere

          • Sr Estegosaurio
            32 years ago

            Yeah! In my city they started building points to refill bottles with potable water, for free on the streets. It’s pretty convinient.

      • @stopit
        22 years ago

        This is so true…there have been many aging studies that show most people get required nutrients (even through bad food, excluding extremes) but water is vital and so many people don’t drink enough, plain and totally free water. Water does wonders…even for fatigue. Many people consume caffeinated beverages to help with fatigue and make matters worse through dehydration.