Could you explain what “breakfast rich in carbohydrate, and a lower blood glucose response following breakfast” means?
Like so I should eat sugary cereals on the morning?
Lower blood glucose responses?
Hot showers haven’t ever worked for me. But I have slept in bathtubs filled with hot water.
tested lots of different techniques during that time and the only one that I think had some effect was doing cardio that was intense enough to leave me physically exhausted.
What works ish for me semi consistently that isn’t drugs when having severe trouble, sitting in front of a personal heater til I overheat and that makes it easy for me to fall asleep, but it only works in the winter and i have to be naked so sweat evaporates.
Tried once, no obvious effect
Anything entertaining enough like scishow psych lol.
Close enough for this sub since there isn’t anywhere better
a 2013 study, Wright and his research team showed one week of camping in the Rocky Mountains with no artificial light, not even flashlights, synchronized the circadian clocks of the eight study subjects with the timing of sunrise and sunset.
A lot of homophobia online about this
afaik storing water when it rains and expelling much less water when they breath. citation: my gr 12 bio class. Which i finished 20 years ago, so my memory could be rusty
pretty sure i’ve seen posts saying there are. share any you find here :)
Thankfully it’s not as contagious as covid and we already have vaccines for it.
It’s debateable how contagious it is, both might be airborne
“Contact with bodily fluids from infected person” spreads it, but it can be spread via:
Thankfully it’s not as contagious as covid and we already have vaccines for it.
Monkeypox Vaccines Are Too Gnarly for the Masses
i haven’t read thru it thou
Oh woops! I misread my own post
Covid-19 Has Orphaned 5.2 Million Children So far!
simpson meme here
deleted by creator
Okay, lower blood glucose responses is like legumes and high blood glucose response is like sugary cereals?
Which sounds like that backs my hypothesis that sugary cereals are still barely fit for human consumption