So I get you are making a distributed reddit alternative. I read that most of you are left politically. You also view reddit as right politically. Which is interesting because I view reddit as left politically in fact extreme left but not as extreme as you are here. Given that reddit has purged many right people and those people have now attempted to also make reddit alternatives like ruqqus, saidit, .win, I get from their perspective they want more freedom which is to basically not have their speech deleted. Then on the left there seems an obsession to silence anyone or thing they don’t like, which I feel I am running that risk just typing this. So if lemmy feels reddit is not left enough as in the words of your comrade nutomic “reddit is far right”, to which i completely disagree but lets play with it, if reddit is not left enough I take it you mean it is not deleting and censoring enough? To which if lemmy is being created as a solution to that then I think the point of lemmy is to allow and enable even more censorship? I have to say if this is the point of lemmy that is both scary and stupid, scary that people think more censorship is in fact needed and stupid in that people would think more censorship is in fact needed, no well I just wanted to type that but stupid in that they need to make a new platform to enable more censorship, like wow.

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    4 years ago

    I am sorry but I disagree as the Nazis were most definitely socialists. One it was in their name and 2 it is documented in history through their actions. It is most certainly an uncomfortable truth because the left loves socialism so much but detests the Nazis.

    Did you even read the article I linked? They did not implement socialist ideals.

    And I can call myself “Mr. Nice Guy” but be an asshole in real life. What’s your point on the name thing?

    • @ksynwa
      34 years ago

      don’t waste your time trying to reason with people like this. either ban or ignore them.

      • @AshliMeachemOP
        -54 years ago

        You prove my point, seeking to ban me because I disagree with you. This line of thought is very communist and at the heart of why communism failed. Let my quickly archive this though so it’s more evidence to the problem L-)

          • @telefunk
            44 years ago

            This right here is the most succinct outline of OP’s initial intent.

            • @AshliMeachemOP
              -34 years ago

              As the OP I disagree L-) but hey what would I know about my own opinions and beliefs? Couldn’t be more than you? /s

              • @telefunk
                64 years ago

                Sure. I think your hang up is that you’re being too obvious for this setting. These kinds of talking points and tactics gets a poster traction on reddit. And that normally works because you’re not actually talking to leftists, but pandering to what ever liberals might be in the thread or who ever is in on your angle. You lost the guise of “just trying to have a discussion” when you dropped the “Nazis were actually socialists” bit. No one on the right nor left believe that. That only works when there are politically/historically illiterate folks in the thread. The second you drop that line in a forum that is almost 100% socialists you expose yourself as a Steven Crowder libertarian.

                Now this is a generalization but most people in their lives have experience someone just asking questions or generously curious about something they partake or believe in. A hobby, a book, some place that they have visited. And most, if not all, of those conversations look nothing like the one you are trying to have right now. So we know, and you know. And both groups are experienced enough to understand what kind of conversation we are having right now. And this is how you are being too obvious for this setting. You are still acting like “How can you know whats in my head?” question works in a setting void of liberals and politically neutral bystanders.

          • @AshliMeachemOP
            -44 years ago

            I think I am arguing in reasonable faith. No it was the call to ban me that sad hey look theres censorship. I have changes views, have you?

            The point to interact with people you disagree with is to change minds. If I had not intent to have mine changed I would not be here. I found the anticapitalist aspect of the definition of the left quite enlightening.

    • @AshliMeachemOP
      -34 years ago

      No I haven’t read it I said I didn’t have time, I will try now.

      So if I look at the conclusion “While their name did include the word “socialist”, their policies and treatment of left-wing opponents show they were not socialists in any meaningful sense.” The treatment of “left wing” people does not define socialism. Socialism is in part a state organized economy and more, which is what the Nazis had but also in general things done with a view to the society as a whole which the nazis did a lot of, their conquering of Europe is evidence of that. Maybe they were not as socialist as Russia but they were still quite socialist. You can have varying degrees of socialism like all things.

      Next point of notice is “Historians have regularly disavowed claims that Hitler adhered to socialist ideology”. Hitlers eugenics program is a perfect example of a socialist ideology.

      Overall that article is weak, the talk of the Nazis banning parties and other groups is to me also an aspect of socialism, communism behaved the same but worse. Communism and Nazism are both socialist they both require authoritarian power to be enabled. The reason for the lefts dislike of this association is the critical player behind socialism and communism and antifa, the jew, is hated and persecuted in Nazism. The funny thing is this bias is not for some greater good because under socialism far more people and groups are more hated and persecuted and the general outcomes for society far worse. In fact even in socialism the Jew too is hated and persecuted but he must be rich lol. To me it is all insanity stemming from group programming in all of us. You should listen to Bret Weinstein (a jew :-) on it. And if using the word jew makes you uncomfortable well that is the distinct problem of the left. Things do need a label to be discussed and if we can’t categorize and discuss things well we are dead as a society. Which maybe that is the goal of the left to handicap our speech and so destroy us through it.

      Oh as for the famines in China, they are very very clearly the result of the policies of Mao. Maybe you can say it is was not socialism, but communism that did that and more particularly the dictatorial part of communism after all we have socialist democracies too. But the fact remains China was well stuck in a hole until they most though-roughly abandoned much of socialism…

      Nice talking