• mekhosM
    142 years ago

    This, plus no adverts (they hurt)

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
      142 years ago

      I think ads are the worst part of the web. Also of TV, but I can live without TV

      • mekhosM
        2 years ago

        I stopped watching TV about 10 years ago and it’s blissful. If 5 people or more recommend me a series I just download it and watch it. I can’t justify lapping up 20minutes of ads per 1hr of content - It’s sickening.

        Try 7 day stints without TV, each time you come back you will notice the adverts more that’s the conditioning being undone, eventually you just cant face going back - you are now cured.

        • DessalinesA
          92 years ago

          Its wild going over to someone’s house who has cable after you haven’t watched it for a while. Every year the commercials get longer and more unbearable. Same thing happened to radio, magazines, etc… these are ad mediums to sell to boomer audiences now.

          • @a_Ha
            22 years ago

            Agreed. NPR radio is a nice exception

          • mekhosM
            62 years ago

            Oh, my mistake I read it as “…can’t live without TV” Do you feel sad for people glued to TV, even though its by choice? I do it’s kinda weird (I don’t hassle them about it)

              • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
                52 years ago

                Also I feel like judging others isn’t very helpful and often says more about the person judging than the person being judged.