• 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2021


  • reptoAsklemmyThoughts on suckless software?
    3 years ago

    Some additional info and explanations:

    Of course it requires knowlege of C and the technology application works on, but that’s not entirely true.
    You don’t technically need to be a compsci major to copy/modify code from stackoverflow or snippets from the email archives.
    Suckless software is definitely not for all and it isn’t universal (in some sense)
    It is universal in that it does things according to specifications and is simple so there’s not a lot to break.
    Also not universal because stuff like accessibility aren’t considered too much even though most of that software is text based, so should be compatible with i.e. screen readers.
    Elitism may be a problem but it doesn’t stand in a way of user. The codebase is not limited to work only for elitists and participation in the community is not mandatory. As almost always in every community, not everyone in suckless community is an elitist and its based on particular individual.

  • reptoAsklemmyThoughts on suckless software?
    3 years ago

    The thing about configs vs C is that many apps have their own config conventions, they deviate a lot from one implementation to another and you have to study their documentation (if it exists).
    C on the other hand is one standard, some things differ in conventions in libraries, but most standard ones hold to one convention and you may apply solution from one adaptation to different suckless programs.
    Of course it requires knowlege of C and the technology application works on, but that’s not entirely true.
    Thing is while other configs have their own documentation, C language has many books, standards, articles code snippets et cetera, which is C’s documentation (sort of).
    I guess it is inherently hard to understand for regular individual that while configurable apps explicitely direct you to the config documentation, suckless software doesn’t do that with directing to C books because that should be merely obvious.
    Suckless software is definitely not for all and it isn’t universal (in some sense) but that’s how it can stay simple, elegant and maintain small codebase.

  • The phones had to come with relatively big antenna because cell transmitter towers were not as common. Sometimes the distance to it was big.
    My question relates to same topic. Some cell towers on the countryside only reside in neighbouring villages or towns.
    Theoretically it ought not to be hard, just connect a bigger antenna to the device however modern devices are not designed to have external antenna.
    I hope some enthusiasts know about this stuff and help with a guide on how to find antenna connection on PCB so that external antenna can be soldered to those.

  • This is a great project that I personally approve of. Though, admittedly for europe and UK market it would be sensible to base a phone on ZX Spectrum or something simillar.
    It is pretty fascinating to see such a simple and primitive tech finding its way back in life.
    Such simple systems make it easy to implement extensions, absolutely love his point about connecting a radio to it and playing multiplayer game over 10 kilometers or well… since it’s a phone, communicating too.
    P.S. can you repost it to hardware community too?

  • reptoOpen SourceAny Alternatives to Firefox?
    3 years ago

    Aside from all this, Brave isn’t a bad browser, it has adblock in it, a torrent client.
    The only bad feature it has (from privacy POV) is Brave Rewards.
    From what I know there is browser forked from brave called Dissenter which doesn’t have rewards and also has website rating system, where you can leave or check feedback about websites.