I am travelling to rural places often and the cell coverage is pretty bad in some of them. The plan is to connect an external antenna to both a modem used for network connection and a feature phone that I have.
However I need your help, there are no external connectors on both those devices.
Tried finding schematics of devices online to no avail.
Is it possible to find an external antenna by probing with i.e. multimeter? If you know guide for such thing online, sharing would be appreciated.
I understand a little bit of soldering will be required but I can’t even find the headers that antenna can be connected to :(

  • @repOP
    23 years ago

    Apparently some phones have these connectors that antenna can be connected to, but doing that may void your warranty.
    Also manufacturers try to hide them sometimes.
    Video about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9pDB1kGmLY