Just uninstalled Jerboa after using Lemmy on Firefox. So smooth! 👍👍
Another one here. Inveterate distro hopper now firmly anchored with fedora
Interesting post. This project fascinates me, not to the point of participating (yet) but for the potential in the next year or two.
Full power to everyone involved ✊✊
The only thing I’ve read that comes close was Reinventing Organisations which was amazing but maybe not quite on target for youyou
Delta is the dominant variant now…
I’m a manjaro user and loving it. I understand why Arch could be beneficial, and maybe as and when I have a bit more time I might play with it on a development machine. But for now, manjaro scratches my itch of being super useable and stable, and also makes me feel like I’m moving a bit on from Ubuntu and derivatives
Labour is piloting this in Wales https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/may/14/wales-to-launch-universal-basic-income-pilot-scheme
Thanks for sharing this! Very helpful in a work project I’m just starting
Going the way of Insta and Facebook. Even less reason to head there!
Still trying to get around this and struggling. The setup (ansible-playbook lemmy.yml --become) has a fatal error due to not being able to connect. Any further suggestions? I think I have the wrong x@x input, but I don’t know what I should be putting in there - at the moment using the server login and ip address?
Have created an account, thankyou!
Like the meme
Thanks for that link!
I have this problem too in trying to set up a new instance. Could you point me to something to help me understand how I can get a ssh connection working? The resources I’ve found so far (such as this ) don’t resolve it for me.
The experience in the Basque region of Spain, famous for the role played by large coops in the community, suggests that they can be successful in this space
More about open source stuff, but have a look at joinmastodon.org, there will probably be leftist instances for you
I succeeded using linkding which I’m hosting on pikapods https://github.com/sissbruecker/linkding https://pikapods.com/