(To everyone saying “this is just an enterprise policy”: Look at the conversations in the bugs.

Somebody said, to the Chromium team, schools are using Google Forms for testing, and the kids can see the right answers in the forms, so to address that, we want to prevent students from reading source code.

And without an ounce of pushback, without so much as a nod in the direction that this might not be the right solution to this problem, the Chromium team said yes.)

  • @pancake
    122 years ago

    I see a pattern here that society is starting to assume that a webpage can only be browsed with a web browser. A judge even decided that accessing data you should not see in a webpage is illegal, so I guess you aren’t supposed to do anything with HTML other than view it in a browser…

  • @Yujiri
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

      • @mogoh
        42 years ago

        I don’t see it as problematic, to be honest.

        • @Thann
          52 years ago

          chrome lets admin block sites with a regex basically, all they did was make the view-source:* pattern work. I dont see this as an issue at all.

        • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
          12 years ago

          it could be a slippery slope to idk windows shipping crome with this setting turned on or something like that.

          • @MarcellusDrum
            12 years ago

            They can already do that with Firefox or Brave or literally any other browser extremely easily. Your title is still extremely misleading, please consider editing it by adding “On their machine”.