I’m a junior developer, and I’m looking for a book that teaches code design concepts. Clean Code is the most recommended book I saw, but it is also extremely controversial.

Any alternatives to read? I’m not a complete beginner as I have a Bachelor’s degree in CS, but I’m fairly new to the concept of writing “clean code”.

  • dinomug
    3 years ago

    Well, Uncle Bob’s Clean Code is recommended for a strictly “object-oriented” approach, if you work with this paradigm (C#, Java, Typescript, etc.) this is your book. In this kind of books it’s not important the time in which they were written, but the concepts and guidelines that you get.

    The “clean code” is an ambiguous concept, it’s not just about the “code”, it involves the architecture of what you’re building, standards, workflow, technologies/languages, etc.

    You can also be more specific about what technology/language/paradigm you are working with so We can recommend books more focused on your needs.