• Flannel Bear
    61 year ago

    Only pets I’d consider are rescues, adoptions, or animals that for some reason or another can’t live/survive in the wild. And then, do my best to feed it vegan pet food.

  • QueerCommie
    41 year ago

    I like my pets, but I sometimes feel conflicted about giving them a bunch of meat. I think my chickens aren’t as unethical though, but taking their eggs might be.

    • Soviet Snake
      1 year ago

      I’ve read there are some ideas on how to feed cats non meat diets, but IMO until there’s like some solid ground and you do it following some expert opinions it’s not a good idea.

        • DessalinesA
          41 year ago

          People have been feeding cats the vegan cat food varieties for 20+ years now, its perfectly healthy. The main ingredient that cats need is taurine, which every one of these foods have.

        • Soviet Snake
          21 year ago

          No, yeah, I know their are carnivores, I just remember I think I was some study that maybe it was possible to feed them something else or some shit like that.

          • @k_o_tM
            21 year ago

            iirc @dessalines mentioned smth about how it’s possible to have vegan cats some time ago, can’t remember specifics tho

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        -11 year ago

        how to feed cats non meat diets

        That is honestly an idiocy, anyone doing that is hurting their cat for no other reason than ideological. If you don’t want a pet that eat meat, maybe don’t get a carnivore ffs.

        • @k_o_tM
          1 year ago

          carnivore just means they can’t synthesise certain stuff and need to get it from eating other animals, but if there are ways to artificially synthesise or somehow otherwise get those elements, why would that be a problem then?

        • @finley@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          110 months ago

          I asked my vet what she thought about cats being fed a vegan diet, and she said she didn’t have a problem with it because they do that for cats with allergies already. Although taurine is a legitimate issue.

          • Luke Fabis
            210 months ago

            @finley @PolandIsAStateOfMind The companies manufacturing vegan pet food make frickin’ sure that nutrients like taurine are accounted for. Because if they didn’t, they’d have some nasty lawsuits on their hands and a PR disaster. People already look at them with extreme skepticism just for the fact that they’re not using meat in carnivore feed. But these products have been around long enough and studied well enough that it’s safe to say pets can be healthy eating them.

        • @CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          I agree. Not to mention the relational implications for dogmaticly enforcing veganism as a moral good. As if we are not seperated from nature enough we must now be sure to make food in a lab so our pets don’t commit the sin of being a living creature. It’s sheer dogma that reinforces our own alienation and forces it on other living things.

  • @sub_ubi
    1 year ago

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