(Note OP use the Chinese hammer and sickle, suggesting the straw man supports China, as they see them as a reflection of their ideology, contradicting their argument)

  • “Capitalism works”

    “So you want to keep the current world economy which doesn’t work and will doom humanity?”

    “NPC Face”

    Jokes aside, every AES state is actively building towards world communism. No worthwhile communist has ever said Communism will be achieved within a week/ hell even a generation. It’s funny because liberals accuse us of treating Marx and Lenin as prophets, when they were just making scientific assessments of the world they lived in. Liberals expect you to give them the perfect model of what the world will look like in 100 years or else, they don’t want to engage you…almost in a sort of religious determinism, hmmm…

    • Frankly… Capitalism was born from grotesque violence. The amount of violence necessary to move from capital to socialism is justified in my view.

      The liberal demands historic forgiveness for their crimes. But they expect the socialists to be perfect and harm no one. They’re not entitled to an excuse or explanation for left wing violence or draconian measures.

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        121 year ago

        Wanna bet these people think that the violence that took us from feodalism to capitalism was somehow “leftist violence”?

        • Haha. Yeah. The aristocracy was totally down and okay for the bourgoisie to take their place… Eventually. Thise dastardly liberal capitalists just wasnt patient enough and needlessly chopped off heads because they were too hasty.

          • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
            121 year ago

            Nah nah, it was obviously the ebil proto commies that went too far with that whole terror and chopping heads off thing!

            • @mauveOkra@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              This is unironically what most Usonians believe

              Or at least any that I’ve heard talk about the French Revolution, which admittedly biases my sample towards those able to get published or broadcast

    • And people call me crazy… Oh, yeah, liberalism is a Lutheran phylosophy, just saying.

      If it comes from a cult, it will work like the cult it came from.

  • JucheBot1988
    221 year ago

    China is the world’s economy.

    Everything else is just finance and mirrors.

      • JucheBot1988
        141 year ago

        I hate capitalism so much I only buy things made in a communist country.

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      81 year ago

      Fairly accurate actually. Considering almost all stocks traded in the western market are synthetic copies and most of those synthetic copies are copies of other copies. If someone waved a magic wand and made all fake stocks disappear the entire western economy would cease to exist.

    • QueerCommieOP
      141 year ago

      Even maoists have socialist experiments they support (literal Maoist China)

      • SovereignState
        1 year ago

        I really have no idea who’s dropping the “that wasn’t reaaaal communism” line outside of maybe anarchists and confused social democrats. Real tankies wear our GDR and Friend-of-the-DPRK badges with pride. 😎

        Maybe just a misunderstanding of the idea that no state has truly achieved communism… the withering away of the state, etc. But we also don’t argue that that should be immediate, and that socialist construction needs to take place for a long time beforehand. edit: ope comrade sinovictorchan made this point way more eloquently ITT.

  • @Sarcasmo220
    151 year ago

    Not to mention for a large part of early human history it was all about mutual aid and there was no currency…

    • @knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      131 year ago

      And for a large part after that there were nominal currencies but debts would be forgiven regularly to keep everything in balance.

      • More like until the end of the Neolithic, it was build under some sort of communism, until metallurgic artisans emerged in the Chalcolithic until the Theocracist class emerged with the aid of another class, the warriors, which build the first empires of history, to the point that the first ever mentioned human we know of, was a Mesopotamian priest. All that on the Bronze Age.

        And continued towards today, even if the aristocrat, noble and bourgeois classes emerged as mutual antagonist for the oldest class, the working one.

  • @LVL@lemmygrad.ml
    141 year ago

    The majority of these anti “tankie” people just make up a person that doesn’t exist to get mad at.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    1 year ago

    The fact that the Eastern Bloc did not yet meet all of communism’s criteria is such an elementary and obvious observation that I very rarely mention it anymore. It’s much more interesting to talk about (for example) how and why the Soviet Union was able to industrialize so rapidly: prioritizing use value over exchange value. That would be a meaningful discussion.

    Instead, anticommunists just want to reference ‘commulist atrocities’ as rapidly as possible. They don’t even want to discuss why communists resorted to them. All you need to know is that commulism doesn’t work and that Lenin/Stalin/Máo were obsessed with increasing ‘their power’ as much as possible. That’s it. Mystery solved; lesson over.

    I think that this quote is very telling of their mentality:

    Even so, it still raises a very important question: why would any state kill so many people?

    Why would the Nazis kill so many people… oh wait… can we even do that?

    This tendency of theirs to boneheadedly force Third Reich analogies into everything can reveal more about themselves than anything else. If they don’t give a shit about why an atrocity happened, then they can’t do anything to prevent another from happening either, and that speaks volumes about how seriously they actually take these matters.

  • stasis
    101 year ago

    nope. no one irl cares about “tankies” anyway

    • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
      41 year ago

      I think its a stupid name I’d never personally use anyway. You’re right that nobody cares or knows what that word means. If it comes up in conversation I call myself a socialist. If they insinuate that means I believe silly things I remind them they have no idea what they’re talking about; and that essentially it means I believe labor should control the state, and that the so called democracy is nothing more than a dictatorship of the rich which must be overthrown by force. Me being a socialist expressing socialist beliefs has never caused me any great trouble. People don’t care that much and agree with half of it already.

  • This is the typical Liberal redefinition tactic to create illusion of self-contradiction of Communists and fake consistency of Liberalism. The trick here is that the Marxists say that they support Marxist principle to implement policies that are suitable to the current economic stage and only implement full Communist system in the final economic stage when it would work, but the Liberals demanded that Marxists should not respond to the material condition and immediately implement full Communist system before the final economic stage.

  • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    81 year ago

    They like the ultra-left a lot more than the marxist-leninist. The ultra is always happy to play along, yet nobody knows what to say when Parenti enters the room.

  • @jlyws123@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    He’s right, isn’t he? of course we can’t replace it with a untested things . BUT we are not pushing conmmuism! we are building socialism Judging by the current situation, communism is still very far away