Like ok

For every lemmy ‘sub’ there’s like 1 or 2 users maybe 25 at most.

Am i doing something wrong?

    • Yes that tracks

      Explanation: Lemmy is not one server, but a big network of different servers. There might be far more ppl subscribed to one community, but your server can only see the ones that are subscribed and have their account on your server. This is for technical reasons.

  • @Tatar_Nobility
    92 years ago

    Just go with the flow, eventually there will be an acceptable amount of active users. For now, your active participation is appreciated.

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      22 years ago

      Your right. I’m being impatient. Thank you man

  • overflow
    72 years ago

    no the site just doesn’t have that many users

      • @bourlin
        42 years ago

        Let’s make an effort to migrate users from Reddit to Lemmy. Recently, Reddit’s user experience have been deteriorating and it’s extremely slow to use

        • TimothyMcFuck OP
          22 years ago

          Yea I got banned from there that’s how I got here

        • :raises hand:

          I came over from Reddit a couple of weeks ago, haven’t logged into it since.

          What you say is true; what drove me away ultimately were bad interactions with fascist (in the technical sense, not popular sense) mods.

          • TimothyMcFuck OP
            12 years ago

            How active are you on lemmy? What new content do you look at?

            • Not very (as you can tell from the delay in my reply). I hang out in Mastodon, mostly. But I’m a responder, not a poster, so my interactions are limited by three amount of content I have to react to.

              But that’s ok. I don’t need a huge social media time sink in my life.

              I’m not subscribed to much yet. I browse the general feed; I tend to add stuff organically, rather than go searching for it.

                • Active.

                  I don’t know if it’s just older, but there’s a lot more traffic on Mastodon. Being a Twitter clone, it’s more light material; memes, brief thoughts. People do have conversations, but nothing on the level or depth of Reddit.

                  There’s stuff I’ve posted on Reddit I wouldn’t have posted on Mastodon, if only because of the character limit. But it’s great for little one-offs, pictures, etc.

                  I don’t understand why it was said Mastodon and Lemmy are not compatible; I’m using Friendica, Pixelfed, and Mastodon at the same time in Fedilab – it’d be great to use the same tool to access Lemmy.

                  I spend most of my time in Mastodon, popping into Lemmy occasionally to see what’s up. That’s probably more because there’s more content at the moment on Mastodon.

      • @pingveno
        52 years ago

        It takes a long time for sites to build up a large userbase, especially when there isn’t much to differentiate it from close competitors. Lemmy from your average user’s perspective is Reddit but with no ads and less content. Measure that against Reddit and your average community is going to struggle to reach the size of its Reddit counterpart. Unless, of course, its Reddit counterpart got the banhammer.

      • overflow
        12 years ago

        the ui/ux needs work, most people don’t care about privacy, it’s mostly used by tech people and link aggregators in general tend to have very niche userbases

    9 months ago

    I see 402 users per day in ! according to the my instance shows me.

    Granted that’s going to be one of the biggest ones, but that’s not a small number of people to visit somewhere in a day.