Do conservatives still believe he isn’t actively trying to destroy the country? Or, worse, believe that a generation of uneducated Americans is somehow going to make us a better country?
I’m sincerely curious.
𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍
Do conservatives still believe he isn’t actively trying to destroy the country? Or, worse, believe that a generation of uneducated Americans is somehow going to make us a better country?
I’m sincerely curious.
Damn you, Voice of Truth! Curse you for ruining my dreams and crushing my hope.
When will I be able to get a daily driver Linux phone that doesn’t suck?
Can we all collectively elect AOC to represent all elected democrats in the House? She’d get, like, 215 votes on every bill.
I know a person can hold only one position at a time; it was just a funny thought.
Ah, that feels better, thanks.
It really kind of does, doesn’t it?
Dang. I know nothing about Reaper, but I got one of these about a year ago with a Ryzen 7 in it; they’re no longer available, but it was so cheap I swapped out the RAM and maxed it out at 64Gb, because that was fairly cheap, too. I think, all in, I spent maybe $500 on it, with the extra RAM? $390 for the computer, another hundred-ish for the 64GB 3200 MHz DDR4 SO-DIMMs.
With this AMD, RAM is shared between the GPU and the CPU; the CPU has 16 cores. The only game I’ve run has been Factorio, and even in demanding scenarios I haven’t had a stutter. I’m happy to run a benchmark, but I suspect Toms would have better information.
This thing blows my 6y/o XPS (Intel) out of the water on all other benchmarks - mostly compile times, and I’ve been quite happy with these AMD Ryzen chips. I think they’re supposed to be laptop ICs? I don’t really follow the CPU/GPU space anymore. But it’s connected to three monitors running at 1080p each, and it seems up to whatever task I throw at it.
Arch went on no problem, and everything worked.
Wish I could help on the Reaper part. But I really do like these Trigkeys - easy to get into and replace memory and M.2 NVMe port accessible immediately under the backplate. If I were to need another, I’d look for whatever the latest AMD version of this Trigkey is selling.
I think an almost identical product, differing only by case color AFAICT, is sold under a different brand name.
Oh! I just found out you can get the one I bought for $260. Their top line is currently a Ryzen 7 7840HS at just under $500 - and, yeah, mine’s a 5800H. I have no idea what any of these designations mean, but one has the bigger GBs so it must be better, right?
Edit: found a direct comparison.
Huh. There are some humans (non-owls) in there, so I thought the joke had something to do with them.
AI spoils my fun. Again.
I an laughing at myself because I find myself irrationally frustrated by the asymmetry of her dance. All of her step movements are in one direction, and then back to center.
Why are we like this? What a stupid thing to get irritated about. And yes, you too, reader, have pet peeves. Maybe different ones, but it’s still silly to get irritated by them.
Especially when most of her face is covered by a mask. “She has pretty eyes” would at least make sense, but I suspect in this case it’s just code for red fever.
I take that back. You can’t even see her eyes. She’s skinny and Asian; that’s probably all that mattered.
So… someone in the UK could start a cheese-of-the-month club, and avoid tariffs? Shipping would still be a removed, though. Climate control would be the worst enemy, giving shipping times across the pond. Unless it’s shipped express, which would make the service prohibitively expensive.
Guess I’ll just have to come over there myself and eat all your cheese.
The point I was trying to make is that there is no “it.” It’s a collection of specifications built around an extremely minimalist protocol for a distributed, federated system of nodes. The biggest network happens to be swarming with an array of people with questionable or outright objectionable ethics, but there’s no reason why an alternative network of connected nodes with different values can’t grow.
I really like Nostr for its simplicity and lightweight nature. It’s super easy to run a node, and can easily be done in a minimal VPS with almost no disk, memory, or compute. Messages are lightweight (not being based in a heavy container like XML), so even with message caching, it sips disk space. There are a bunch of useful extensions (and some that people are going to object to, light the cryptocurrency extension), but these are all optional and enabling them is nearly always a runtime configuration option if the server supports it.
There are dozens on servers, and as many clients. Interacting with it reminds me off early HTTP, when you could reasonably telnet in to a servers, type a couple of lines of a header, and get a response. It’s absolutely delightful.
The only thing we lack is a coordinated list of alt-nodes that don’t federate with the biggest node network containing the crypto and alt-right[1]. Maybe I should start a list; I dread having to curate it against trolls, though.
[1] I hate that crypto has become so closely associated with the alt-right, because there’s a lot of positive theory behind it. Cryptographically auditable public ledgers are a really useful tool. An alternative financial system owned by the participants and not by a single centralized regime is a great idea. It was a decentralized, federated financial system before “federation” became a movement, and it is ironic that the strongest criticisms come from proponents of decentralization and federation. Proof of work turned out to be a really poor design choice, but I don’t know why any leftist would argue that - in theory - a system that supports virtual trading tokens which is not under the control of a Central Bank is worse than our current surveillance-state, KYC financial system. And there are cryptocoins that use a consensus mechanism other than proof-of-work (2), and which consume less energy than all of the servers running federated systems like Lemmy and Mastodon.
Sorry about the crypto rant. The fact that crypto - which already had issues - has become associated with the alt-right really bothers me. The knee-jerk distain because of environmental impact was one thing, because although it’s not the whole story, most coins are based on POW and do have a horrible carbon footprint. And there’s a bunch of graft in the space; it has problems, but those are solvable. Well, you can’t “solve” graft, any more than you can “solve” CP on the internet; but the carbon footprint issue isn’t a fundamental component of cryptocoins - unfortunately just the most popular ones. But the lean to the right on the part of the broader crypto community celebrities is really disheartening.
Well, yeah, but at least it’s not contradictory. Eagle Owl? Is it an eagle, or an owl? Who knows‽
I want to know how badly you have to screw up to get the job of repainting that one wall.
Some of these names: it’s, like, pick a lane! Eagle Owl. Hawk Owl. Hyundai Owl. It’s either a car, or it isn’t!
I agree that “save” is overused, and especially frustrating when people don’t clean up their “saves” when they don’t need them anymore.
But: I’ve been involved in projects where we’d have multi-day design meetings where the whiteboard was a work in progress spanning multiple days. If someone would have done this and forced us to waste 15 or 20 minutes of a meeting re-drawing the design, that person would have gotten a phone call, and I’d have blocked the meeting room from all other use and had the admin lock it, whether we weren’t using it for the whole day or not.
This was before whiteboard wallpaper was available; after I discovered that, everyone’s problem was solved.
Orthogonally, one company I worked at had a meeting room with one wall painted in whiteboard paint. If you’re ever tempted to do this, I advise against it, for three reasons: the first is that people easily get confused between permanent and whiteboard markers; the second is that if not all walls are painted with this stuff, you’ll discover that whiteboard markers are effectively permanent markers on normal paint; but the biggest is that it’s a PITA to keep clean - like it’s-someone’s-job-to-keep-it-clean level PITA. Burn in is so much worse when it’s on a wall, and if it’s not fastidiously cleaned every day, it starts to look like dirty shit. And then you can’t just replaced it like a new whiteboard; you have to have the wall repainted, and it’s expensive.
The best solution is whiteboard sheets.
It’s swarmed by crypto content but it’s a nice, simple, distributed protocol. Run your own node; compared to any AP service, it’s astonishingly lightweight. Peer, or not; refuse to handle traffic from the crypto heavy nodes.
It’s a fantastic, well designed protocol. Read a few NIPS, then read the Activity Pub design and you tell me which one you think is more well-designed.
I won’t ignore that the majority of traffic was crypto stuff, but it’s slowly broadening out to more legitimate content, like porn.
Insufficient information. Is the random guy trans, or a minority, or a woman? Or a CIS white male?
This is a golden opportunity for some enterprising British soul to start a “cheese of the month” club, shipping internationally, where each month features a specialty from a different party of the UK.
I would totally sign up for that.
I didn’t realize the Brits made so much blue cheese.
Yeah, so I dug into it, and it’s definitely not offline. It uses gtts, which ultimately makes calls to google.com for the tts. You can track it down yourself, but you’ll eventually end up here, which talks about how to change the google host name in case it’s blocked.
I’m not sure why you believe not needing an API key means it isn’t calling a Google API, especially in this case where it clearly states it’s using an unofficial channel - which is the same trick third party YouTube clients use to access YouTube videos without using API keys.