I feel very sorry for the Americans, especially the workers. They educate them in ignorance in order to never question their political order…

EDIT: The tweet has been deleted, so I have posted the original video sourced from YouTube.

  • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
    302 years ago

    As an American, please don’t feel sorry for us lol.

    Yes the people are dumb for reasons not entirely our fault. No, it doesn’t excuse our rampant racism and jingoism.

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
      182 years ago

      I agree. We are set up to fail in many ways here in the USA. Most people are basically illiterate. Yet I’m still amazed at how most people behave and what they believe. ZERO intellectual curiosity in a vast majority of the population.

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        lmao come on feeding people added sugar and unnecessary additives is not “heavily drugging” or even “drugging” at all

        Most cuisines are unhealthy af, even before capitalism tainted the food industry. People are biologically rewarded for eating tasty things and tasty things unfortunately, are generally unhealthy. We’re also not inherently rewarded OR knowledgeable about what’s healthy or not

        • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          I agree with you. However, eating unhealthy can lead to having low amounts of energy, etc.

          But no, I don’t think they are like manically adding sedatives to all our food. Virtually everything here is based around profitability. Sugar and salt make almost everything taste better and are very cheap.

          I do sometimes wonder about SSRIs though. They don’t have much benefit and a ton of side effects🤔

        • Amicese
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

  • Arsen6331 ☭
    2 years ago

    If you weren’t aware, Mexico Ukraine and Canada Russia are right on the US’ borders. Yes, this is actually what one person in that video thought.

  • @Munrock@lemmygrad.ml
    162 years ago

    They all have votes.

    This is the Nation with the most powerful military and most influential media. This is the nation whose foreign policy decisions have a huge effect on the rest of us on this planet.

    A democracy that doesn’t educate its demos.

    Those people deserve better. Fuck the parasites that are doing this to them.

    • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
      92 years ago

      I don’t even bother calling liberal regimes “democratic”

      The western notion of democracy is a convoluted list of requirements that only make sure political power can be commodity.

  • @gun
    162 years ago

    How many more people would think differently about the Ukraine stuff if they knew basic geography?
    The guy who confused Greenland for Ukraine…
    “That’s why I’m lowkey confused why they’re attacking them” Because Greenland is far from Russia.
    “So do you think the United States should get involved?”
    “…I don’t know why we wouldn’t” Because the US and Greenland are right next to each other.

    But if that guy knew that Ukraine is literally right next to Russia, maybe it would make more sense to him. And if he knew the US was on the other side of the world, maybe he would question why the US gets involved. Since he seems to make decisions based on distance.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism
      2 years ago

      People in Russia do actually fight bears on occasion. Russian men are therefore more manly than American men.

      (Not for fun mind you, I’m referring to bear attacks in rural Russia and you have to defend yourself.)

      • 小莱卡
        42 years ago

        like that khabib when he was a boy wrestling with a cub lol

        • DankZedong
          2 years ago

          Why is that an amazing feat lmao? Unless he had to defend himself of course.

          If someone told me he was randomly fighting a bear and he killed it with a knife , I’d ask what the fuck is wrong with him for killing a random animal. Leave those bears alone you wanker.

          Edit: if I found the story you are mentioning, he did seem to do this in self defense. Which is a shame, but he had no other choice it seems.

  • @spaphy
    -62 years ago

    Dude. Americans don’t give a fuck about what happens outside our country we just work and live life. The greatest misnomer I think euros or Chinese or Russians have is that people not politicians care or want to be involved with foreign affairs. People act in their own self interest here.

    Honestly if gas prices and zero inflation and Russia could still get fucked over for the sake of our politicians, I’m sure USA citizens would’ve cared less about Ukraine.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      122 years ago

      If that were the case, US government and especially media/NGOs would not have been so loud and obnoxious in regards to foreign affairs. If that were the case, Gaddafi and Saddam and all the others would still be alive and doing their stuff. If that were the case, Putin would have remained a simple, run off the mill post-Soviet autocrat, no different from all the others. Instead he is a global boogeyman.

      • @spaphy
        2 years ago

        Im not so sure about that.This is real armchair philosophy for me mixed with first hand experience, including my original comment - right - so nothing to be taken as gospel.

        My experience is that our media here is more so used to make things that we do overseas socially acceptable without any public protests, visible online dissent from the public, and outrage. You’re right - you could argue that yes there is some level of required acceptance from USA citizens before the USA takes action, but for example - the USA just assassinated some “terrorist” Ayman al-Zawahiri but I never even saw mention of him once in the news. They simply named him a terrorist and killed his ass… I’d prefer if we didn’t just ping off randoms in other countries but because the american populace is fine with killing anyone who gets labelled “Al Qaeda” they don’t really need to promote any of that. Its the same thing as them randomly killing that guy as we were evacuating our forces out of Iraq. I can’t even fucking find a link because the news reported it as “US forces kill terrorist attacking airbase” at the time while reddit had security cam video of the “alleged terrorist” who was holding a chicken and walking to his car/similar circumstances.

        I think my point is that the American people are really disconnected and on the ground level, talking to other civilians here - we prefer to be. A lot of sentiment is that “just dont watch the news” because its mostly world-on-fire level events. The average sentiment is that people would prefer to focus on their daily routine and “live life” as they put it, rather than be fixed on news and feel shitty because they watched the news.

        Edit - I would also add that many republicans view the Ukraine escalation as a fault of Bidens or other insanity such as some “deepstate CIA” thing. IE they’re very busy blaming their gas prices that they feel in their wallets on the other political side here, in hopes that they see things “return to normal” rather than face value evaluation of news as it comes out of Russia, Ukraine for example…because thats not what serves them or interests them.