This is a question I am wondering. I try to avoid as much as I can platforms like YouTube, Discord, Whatsapp, Zoom, etc. But I just can’t! For YouTube I love the content to much to quit it. I actually uses and NewPipe to avoid this problem. I just need to import my subscriptions.

Then you got the case of some social medias where it doesn’t depends on you. For example I need to use Whatsapp for school even if I hate it, same for Zoom.

I also got friends and communities that are only on Discord.

Do you already had these issues? How are you dealing with them?

Thanks in advance!

    9 months ago

    I guess you’re already said it, there are ones that have a network effect, and depending on your priorities/relationships, you can cut them off or compromise. I cut off Facebool/Meta products in general some time ago, because it was clear that would be better for my mental health. Still kept in touch with people through texts and Signal. And I’m OK with having a smaller less noisy network. For most of my personal relationships and matters, I’d have to compromise less.

    On the other hand, for more professional matters, like work, or trying to find communities that I care about or seek help from, I’d have to compromise more and accept that I have to use Zoom, Slack, Google products, … I have found ways to be OK with it. I hope you can find a way.

    At the same time I may raise issues about those products’ nature if/when appropriate, with my colleagues, while acknowledging that the alternatives aren’t always seamless and easy. Let’s face it, many alternatives keep changing, and may require a high level of entry. Anw, when I can and if it’s easy enough, i may show them how I use alternatives and let them decide on their own.

    Key points: compromise, be understanding & empathetic but still vigilant and an advocate when possible

    EDIT: holy crap, I just realized this post is 3Y old. I’m an idiot 🤦

      249 months ago

      You’re not an idiot. Nobody expects three-year-old posts between ones created 5 minutes ago. The sorting algorithm here on Lemmy is absolute dogshit.

        49 months ago

        It’s so weird because I thought I Lemmy sorting algo has something to do with some power law? of upvotes and age, but I remember this one didn’t have that many (which I initially had thought it was new without looking at the date). So it should not shown up at all. Anyway, yes the sortong algo needs some re-thinking, and potentially allowing users/instances to control the parameters.

      • Unforeseen
        9 months ago

        Lol I wouldn’t have even noticed if they didn’t say something about it

      • Decoy321
        59 months ago

        Because that other person made a recent comment, and there aren’t that many other new things yet.

        Lemmy’s sorting algorithm is undergoing a lot of tinkering lately.

      • @ajz
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

    • @SirLotsaLocks
      34 years ago

      For youtube there is also LBRY, It has a lot of the major linux creators on it making it easier to switch, at least for me.

    • SnowCodeOP
      4 years ago

      I actually was already aware about DTube, Matrix and alternatives. The problem is that my friends don’t care about it. I will try out Shelter that seems a good thing! I appreciate your help!

      Edit: I don’t know why but Shelter is incompatible with my device, I will try to install it by another way

  • @CyRepo
    54 years ago

    I feel you man! The problem a lot of people are facing is not the lack of alternative. There’s quite a lot of FOSS alternative to most close source services. The real challenge is making everybody around you adopt it. Even just try it. I use Signal alone. Nobody want to try it cause Fb messenger works. Same for Jitsi. My wife doesnt want to use Libre Office just because she is used to Ms Office. It’s a long battle and sometime it really feel hopeless. Sorry, dont want to be downer…

    • SnowCodeOP
      44 years ago

      Welcome to the club of the alone users xD it’s quite the same for every of my alternative apps like Briar or Signal. You’re alone. But the fact that people starts to get bored about Zoom makes them more able to switch to Signal because it has much less constraints than Zoom on a lot of points. And it doesn’t requires to install anything so…

      Jitsi is so simple that some people just don’t understand that they just need to click on a button and share a link.

    • @ajz
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

    59 months ago

    RSS feeds help me a lot, replaced instagram for news and the last thing I was using my google account for, YouTube subscriptions.

  • sseneca
    44 years ago

    I had initially written more but the other commentor has done a good job summing up most of what I had so instead I’ll leave some general thoughts on moving away from closed source software which come from my experience of doing just that

    ultimately it depends how much you want to commit to removing all closed source platforms from your life. you may be able to move some people to Riot, but you won’t move everyone. for me, I moved whoever I could, and deleted it anyway – that is, I made a sacrifice, and you may find yourself having to make a lot of them if you really commit to removing proprietary software from your life.

    • SnowCodeOP
      34 years ago

      That’s a hard sacrifice tho.

      • sseneca
        24 years ago

        it is, but in my opinion it has been worth it. I enjoy knowing my communications are private & secure, and the vast majority of my friends did make the move (though I should say I actually got most of them to move to Signal, not Riot). only you can decide whether it’s worth it for you.

          • SnowCodeOP
            44 years ago

            Can you tell me what is the difference between Session and Tox? I installed Session but I don’t know how it is different from Tox tho.

            • @ajz
              2 years ago

              deleted by creator

              • SnowCodeOP
                4 years ago

                If you would choose what would you choose to use?

                Btw: Why do your say ‘far-right’ ?

                • @ajz
                  2 years ago

                  deleted by creator

          • sseneca
            24 years ago

            session looks pretty cool! are you sure it’s a fork of Signal though?

              • sseneca
                44 years ago

                ah cool, it looks pretty nice.

                I’ve already moved all my friends to Signal, so moving elsewhere isn’t possible, but I would have perhaps considered Session if it was around back then. one thing that’s disappointing to see is that their desktop application, as with Signal and Riot, is electron.

  • @Psychemar
    44 years ago

    I have managed to make tens of people install Signal. If they wanted to talk to me it was either that or SMS.

    I use LBRY instead of YouTube for some uses. Hopefully the first keeps picking up traffic and improving (they will drop Google Analytics soon and are coming with an F-Drood version of their app).

    I play on a PS4 but I’ve heard about Discord many times. It seems to be really practical to get together for specific goals (for example to do certain Final Fantasy XIV content). But I just decided not to use it because I don’t gain much by doing so. I would be using another piece of software that doesn’t align with my goals.

    I had to use Zoom for School but I suggested Jitsi (using the argument that it is functionally better AND is open source, respects privacy, etc) to the prof that runs the degree I’m doing. Also I heard there are ways to use Zoom privately through Virtual Machines or something like that. I stopped attending classes so I don’t use Zoom much =p. I also have to use Skype for medical reasons and I don’t know how to approach my doctor about using something else. I think she would just brushed me aside.

  • @ajz
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • SnowCodeOP
      14 years ago

      Yes but how can you do that when others wants you on the platform. I have friends who don’t give a fuck about open-source and privacy, how could I tell them to join? And even if they join, I still need to use Zoom and Whatsapp for school, it is the only way information are given.

        • SnowCodeOP
          34 years ago

          Yes I will ask some people to download signal or something. But I don’t know how Zoom can even be useful compared to Jitsi Meet.

          Thanks for your comment!

  • Possibly linux
    39 months ago

    Honestly the best advise I can give you is take your time and be willing to have inconveniences

  • @Junker
    3 years ago

    Removed by mod