This is a question I am wondering. I try to avoid as much as I can platforms like YouTube, Discord, Whatsapp, Zoom, etc. But I just can’t! For YouTube I love the content to much to quit it. I actually uses and NewPipe to avoid this problem. I just need to import my subscriptions.

Then you got the case of some social medias where it doesn’t depends on you. For example I need to use Whatsapp for school even if I hate it, same for Zoom.

I also got friends and communities that are only on Discord.

Do you already had these issues? How are you dealing with them?

Thanks in advance!

  • Psychemar
    5 years ago

    I have managed to make tens of people install Signal. If they wanted to talk to me it was either that or SMS.

    I use LBRY instead of YouTube for some uses. Hopefully the first keeps picking up traffic and improving (they will drop Google Analytics soon and are coming with an F-Drood version of their app).

    I play on a PS4 but I’ve heard about Discord many times. It seems to be really practical to get together for specific goals (for example to do certain Final Fantasy XIV content). But I just decided not to use it because I don’t gain much by doing so. I would be using another piece of software that doesn’t align with my goals.

    I had to use Zoom for School but I suggested Jitsi (using the argument that it is functionally better AND is open source, respects privacy, etc) to the prof that runs the degree I’m doing. Also I heard there are ways to use Zoom privately through Virtual Machines or something like that. I stopped attending classes so I don’t use Zoom much =p. I also have to use Skype for medical reasons and I don’t know how to approach my doctor about using something else. I think she would just brushed me aside.