In my view, Lemmy is not an alternative to Reddit at all as this is the case.

What is the explanation to this and why is the freedom of expression and speech not respected even here now?

  • @marmulak
    84 years ago

    Because of the fact that Lemmy is open source and designed to be federated, the freedom you’re looking for is meant to be found by running your own Lemmy server/instance.

    With that kind of openness, it means everyone can have their own server and can run it however they want. It actually lessens any theoretical obligation dessalines’ might have to allow any activity at all on this instance. All admins are free to set any rules that they want; everyone gets their own space.

    Nowadays our culture has reached a state where anyone who makes appeals to “freedom of speech” probably shouldn’t have it. Yes, speech should reasonably open, but there are always going to be some things you shouldn’t say or shouldn’t be allowed to say, so making philosophical appeals to something like “right to free speech” is basically the last resort of people who want to engage in bad speech.

  • @DJWalnut
    74 years ago

    lemmy’s designed to be federated. what the devs do on the flagship instance doesn’t matter. you can just made my own server over rules disagreements. that’s literally why my pleroma server exists

  • DessalinesMA
    4 years ago

    As /u/AgreeableLandscape pointed out, the two examples of “censorship” (which you’ll notice these posts never cite btw, even tho every post is still available and the modlog of actions is public) were:

    Someone spamming weird paranormal conspiracy theory links.

    And the 2nd was a troll spam making accounts and absolutely demanding that I build a feature for them so that they could get paid.

    I’ve also banned plenty of ppl spamming advertisements, is that okay with you? Should I get your permission next time?

    If you’d like to run an instance with alien conspiracy theories, ads, and anything else, be my guest.

    • @k_o_t
      14 years ago

      Someone spamming weird paranormal conspiracy theory links.

      Do you mean he/she has posted the same/similar links multiple times across multiple communities? Because otherwise it’s literally a community about paranormal stuff…

      • DessalinesMA
        34 years ago

        Two different cases. The first one was one of those typical alien conspiracy theorist spammers you see shit up the front pages of pretty much every open platform. The 2nd one someone made multiple accts, and was a troll demanding to get paid.

        • @k_o_t
          4 years ago

          Wait, just to clarify, did he/she post the said links in communities other than /c/paranormal?

          • DessalinesMA
            14 years ago

            Yep, they made a 2nd community and posted the same link.

            • @k_o_t
              14 years ago

              How’s this possibly basis for a permanent ban? It was literally a subreddit about paranormal stuff… and he did repost that to a self-titled subreddit, but so what?

  • @Evg
    4 years ago

    Moderation in my humble opinion should be. Many apparently do not quite understand what freedom of speech is. Shouting “fire”, for example, in a crowded movie theater, is not" freedom of speech", but a crime.

    And as noted above, let the community owners determine the rules themselves, and let them be in the environment that they have chosen. To do this, you can put your own instance or go to other ones.

    If a person comes to the community to shit, attack others, send spam, etc. to make others worse, what kind of freedom is that? Freedom is linked to responsibility. And if he doesn’t understand it, makes people “badly”, he should be stopped. IMHO. (This is what I write about individuals who purposefully come to communities with the sole purpose of making things worse.)

    Another conversation about the transparency of all this.

    • @captain_pirk
      04 years ago

      What has this to do with “shouting fire in a crowded movie theater”? Also, that analogy is straight from the book of censorship justification hacks. The one fellow banned just posted a UFO video. This said, your opinion is absolutely not in any way much “humble”, man,

      • @Evg
        4 years ago

        I’m sorry, but I have nothing to do with Lemmy, and I don’t know who banned who (. Everything I wrote above applies to the communities I lead, and they are not a Lemmy scenario. Censorship exists and will continue to exist. I won’t let some things go out of bounds there. Selling weapons, drugs, murder, and more. Many perceive “freedom” as the freedom to attack, to kill. I will always resist it. It is logical that other community organizers share this opinion… and I still don’t know English very well. So there may be a similar misunderstanding here. )

  • @rupert
    34 years ago

    They do? And things have not even taken off in any way yet… I, for one, am not gonna play this game anymore. Search for “free Reddit” to be continued then.

    • @kapinaOP
      24 years ago

      Yes. One user posted a link regarding GUIX dropping GNU/Linux support in favor of GNU/Hurd. And other one posted a link to Steven Greers UFO video.

  • @k_o_t
    34 years ago

    As Lemmy is structured in a very similar way to Reddit, the said freedom of expression and speech are only respected and enforced as much as done so by the mods of the respective communities (sublemmys??). Being open-source and libre does in now way guarantee that people with malicious intent are not going to become mods of communities.

    Also, can you be a little more specific? Who did get banned by whom? There were quite a lot of bans a few months ago because the /c/test and /c/main were flooded with ads and spam, so there’s that. The only inexplicable ban that I’ve stumbled upon so far was that of /u/Saba_Murtaz on /c/vegan…

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        34 years ago

        ffsdudes/ffsdude was banned because of this post in which he demands (not suggests, demands) that the devs allow custom monetary support links like Patreon to be added and berates the devs for including their own support links in the project source.

        Also, removed posts are not visible from the user profile, and if the reason for a ban is spam, it is likely that the spam posts have all been removed.

      • @k_o_t
        24 years ago

        According to the modlog both of these people were banned by /u/dessalines for the following reasons troll post and spammer. The second ban is indeed weird… I suggest you simply message /u/dessalines and ask for the reasons directly or ping him in this post

  • @realcaseyrollins
    24 years ago

    Glad I’m not the only one recognizing the flaws in the rules here!

    Good news is, this is FOSS software. Anybody can fork it. Hopefully a freer instance will pop up soon, but in the meantime, right now I’d be more interested in the devs getting the software up and running. There might be a time for crapping on this instance, but now ain’t it.

    • @nutomicA
      54 years ago

      Complaining about “censorship” doesn’t help us with the development. Why don’t you do something positive instead, like helping with translations, documentation, testing or donating money?

    • DessalinesMA
      34 years ago

      What is preventing free speech enthusiasts from spending their time on voat and gab, the main :snowflake: :peach: platforms? Anyone can say anything there, and be as bigoted as they like.

      Again, this is not a free speech platform. We will ban bigots, racists, homophobes, transphobes, trolls, spammers, etc in order to make this as welcoming an environment as possible to all.

  • @captain_pirk
    -14 years ago

    Ok. I’m also very disappointed of this kind of banning activity going on here. Especially as a sci-fi fan myself.

    “Someone spamming weird paranormal conspiracy theory links.” (how is this worthy to ban someone permanently?)

    I can not recommend Lemmy no more for anyone. If one already feels uneasy being here and the platform has not even started, something is definitely off.

  • @captain_pirk
    -14 years ago

    The one place, that let’s to post, say, type, what have you, anything not illegal such as many types of porn, will prevail.

    Lemmy has just joined the ones with very narrow minded approach. You hear lots of disturbing stuff just walking down the street and you can do nothing about it. Here one can just click a button with a mouse to “ban” and silence.

    This “shut up and obey” is everywhere now. This is not about the common good, but power. Lemmy’s devs and mods have their “power” here. That’s where it ends. This type of control is the one many “tolerants” fight against: fascism. They have become what they started as an opposing force.

    Ironic indeed.