In my view, Lemmy is not an alternative to Reddit at all as this is the case.

What is the explanation to this and why is the freedom of expression and speech not respected even here now?

  • @Evg
    4 years ago

    Moderation in my humble opinion should be. Many apparently do not quite understand what freedom of speech is. Shouting “fire”, for example, in a crowded movie theater, is not" freedom of speech", but a crime.

    And as noted above, let the community owners determine the rules themselves, and let them be in the environment that they have chosen. To do this, you can put your own instance or go to other ones.

    If a person comes to the community to shit, attack others, send spam, etc. to make others worse, what kind of freedom is that? Freedom is linked to responsibility. And if he doesn’t understand it, makes people “badly”, he should be stopped. IMHO. (This is what I write about individuals who purposefully come to communities with the sole purpose of making things worse.)

    Another conversation about the transparency of all this.

    • @captain_pirk
      04 years ago

      What has this to do with “shouting fire in a crowded movie theater”? Also, that analogy is straight from the book of censorship justification hacks. The one fellow banned just posted a UFO video. This said, your opinion is absolutely not in any way much “humble”, man,

      • @Evg
        4 years ago

        I’m sorry, but I have nothing to do with Lemmy, and I don’t know who banned who (. Everything I wrote above applies to the communities I lead, and they are not a Lemmy scenario. Censorship exists and will continue to exist. I won’t let some things go out of bounds there. Selling weapons, drugs, murder, and more. Many perceive “freedom” as the freedom to attack, to kill. I will always resist it. It is logical that other community organizers share this opinion… and I still don’t know English very well. So there may be a similar misunderstanding here. )