In my view, Lemmy is not an alternative to Reddit at all as this is the case.

What is the explanation to this and why is the freedom of expression and speech not respected even here now?

  • @realcaseyrollins
    24 years ago

    Glad I’m not the only one recognizing the flaws in the rules here!

    Good news is, this is FOSS software. Anybody can fork it. Hopefully a freer instance will pop up soon, but in the meantime, right now I’d be more interested in the devs getting the software up and running. There might be a time for crapping on this instance, but now ain’t it.

    • @nutomicA
      54 years ago

      Complaining about “censorship” doesn’t help us with the development. Why don’t you do something positive instead, like helping with translations, documentation, testing or donating money?

    • DessalinesMA
      34 years ago

      What is preventing free speech enthusiasts from spending their time on voat and gab, the main :snowflake: :peach: platforms? Anyone can say anything there, and be as bigoted as they like.

      Again, this is not a free speech platform. We will ban bigots, racists, homophobes, transphobes, trolls, spammers, etc in order to make this as welcoming an environment as possible to all.