I’ve been hearing allegations about the vaccine being linked to myocarditis? Can someone explain what’s going on here?

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    52 years ago

    The vaccine gives young men mostly but others as well myocarditis. Still at a way lower rate than covid though, that causes myocarditis as well. Myocarditis isn’t even that dangerous.

      • mekhos
        2 years ago

        I personally prefer the direct question as mentioned in your article - but we should consider that in some cultures this may be seen as abrupt/rude.

        Edit: “Should”

        • @morrowind
          42 years ago

          In most cultures I would think, and so it makes sense that people do it, but the point is asking something irl is not the same as making a post online. You’re not interrupting and asking anything of anyone really, just putting it out there.

  • @AgreeableLandscape
    2 years ago

    It’s been linked to it yes, primarily in younger people, but it’s still very rare. Overall, the vaccine is still much safer than a lot of stuff we normally do every single day, and way safer than risking getting COVID-19 when you have no protection whatsoever.

    • Evan
      42 years ago

      Honesty is important. The chances of worse symptoms via covid are infinitely higher, but there is still a miniscule chance. This means everyone is safer with the vaccine