i’d probably pick

  • cartoon tv series can’t have more than 3 seasons
  • avocados should have most subsidies of any food
  • electron apps are now illegal
  • normal tv series can’t have more than 5 seasons
  • protruding doorsteps are now illegal
  • @southerntofu
    02 years ago

    So we’re talking minor laws so proper revolutionary actions i will not advertise here… How about:

    • all salaries are now equal and shareholders are disowned; workers become the new owners of capital shares
    • all jobs of marketing, management and private security/control are abolished ; the police is 100% disarmed (no “legitimate” violence)
    • all empty dwellings and spaces are property of the people and can be used to house anyone in need, or to provide non-profit projects with
    • all sold products must have 20+ years warranty and spare parts; all smaller/newer brands (<20 years old) can by law acquire warranty from bigger/older brands who have to maintain their products; spare parts must be interchangeable following standards established by consortiums of workers and users
    • all healthcare, transport and education is now free
    • income tax is progressive so that the maximum you can earn is 2 * minimum wage

    That’s the most “minor”/reasonable demands i can come up with. All of this could be achieved through “simple” political will from one day to the next.

    • @3cctpe
      2 years ago

      i don’t think you want inequality, thus:

      • 100% inheritance tax