• @MarcellusDrumOP
    13 years ago

    We might be visiting different sites because the reddit I know is anti-right. Most popular news subreddits like /r/politics are actually US-democratic party echo chambers.

    • Muad'Dibber
      113 years ago

      @IngrownMink4@lemmy.ml is making the distinction between leftism and liberalism, explained succinctly here.

      Reagan and thatcher for example, are liberals: pro free market, pro capitalism, pro landlordism, pro exploitation. Even the “social liberal” distinction that you see in countries like the US, and your average redditor, agree on all those points.

      • IngrownMink4
        53 years ago

        Yes, exactly! Thank you for clarifying the distinction I made <3 Sometimes I find it difficult to express myself well lol

      • @MarcellusDrumOP
        -23 years ago

        I have. They are mostly made up of leftists actually. Not extreme left, but left nonetheless.

        • IngrownMink4
          73 years ago

          Hmm, I don’t think so (I guess because we have different conceptions of what is alt-right). But, do you agree with the rest of what I wrote?

          • @MarcellusDrumOP
            43 years ago

            Yeah, the rest I agree with. I also hate the move towards profiles and more attention to the individual.

            • IngrownMink4
              33 years ago

              I agree with what you say! I personally don’t like the normalization of this type of harassment.