Unfortunately the obvious ones are already taken (lemmy.social, lemmy.org) or incredibly expensive (lemmy.com). Do you have any other ideas for a good domain? Or alternatively, we could just go with lemmy.ml.

  • Maya
    44 years ago

    oh I have no idea, someone else was suggesting that might be why. I have a pleb gmail and none of my manual interventions have been able to get it to hit my inbox.

    • @nutomicOPA
      64 years ago

      Google is the worst.

    • @Cream
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • Maya
        24 years ago

        you would think, yes. but I did that, and it still hits spam.

        The only thing I can think other than the TLD is that spam detection is often predicated on open rates, so maybe it’d help to make the default option a daily digest rather than individual emails.