Is there a way to shop around for a Lemmy instance based on how many instances are blocking it and how many instances it’s blocking? For example, I noticed that the instance is relatively popular, but it seems like a lot of other instances block it. It also blocks a bunch of other instances. So, if there are any communities on there that might be relevant to me then I would be missing out. I guess I could just create an account on a walled instance, but I would prefer not to keep creating accounts. I’d like to just find one instance that maximizes my access. Is the answer to just run my own instance?

  • @FaceDeer
    1511 months ago

    Be mindlessly propagandistic “communist.” The countries they fawn over aren’t even particularly communist, they’re just authoritarian. Russia in particular is run by capitalist oligarchs.

    It’s just tiresome and pointless engaging with them.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      11 months ago

      Now I know why you refused to engage with or debate me on Tiananmen Square thread yesterday. Not very nice behaviour, honestly. Liberals are the most pointless, anti-revolutionary people on political spectrum, honestly. Either they will love the populist status quo that benefits them, or turn to the “protective” conservative/nationalistic ideas to enforce western imperialist status quo. It also sheds light on why conservatives and socialists have so much more intelligence and critical thinking than liberals.

      • comfy
        1211 months ago

        It’s fine to be offended that they called you propagandised, but that doesn’t make it less offensive to immediately say the same thing back to them. You are both insulting each other, it’s not helping the Lemmygrad situation.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            011 months ago

            I need to tell you something. You need to bear the patience of a saint with these liberals. If someone does not explain them, they will keep acting as state propaganda parrots. Its not too helpful to get right back at them, considering how unhinged and toxic they can act. You will lose everytime in shit slinging competition.

            • diegeticscream[all]🔻
              111 months ago

              I appreciate the advice, but I have gotten the same talk from Muad before. This is me being patient and not slinging shit!

              I’m specifically trying to get to the meat of the argument without wasting a lot of time effort-posting primary source essays no one will read.

              I think it’s worthwhile to show the disparity between the liberal worship of polite debate and their actual actions.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                -111 months ago

                No, if you do the same thing as liberals, you being banned will be a further loss than the current position that favours them. Although I cannot disagree with the approach of taking some hits to expose their grift, something I have done for Lemmy for 3 years, you need to be cautious against drawing such cards against most of these decoys.

            • diegeticscream[all]🔻
              11 months ago

              Also I can sling shit way harder and faster. I’d just get banned, and nutomic and Dessalines don’t need that headache! :D

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          11 months ago

          There is no “lemmygrad situation”, it’s gaslighting lemmy by liberals getting wind in the sails with reddit refugees and attacking us all the time. note this basically didn’t happen at all before, they just blocked us and maybe badmouthed in their dens, i don’t care, i;m not going there. The arguments we had on lemmy were heated but not resembling current offensive.

      • @FaceDeer
        311 months ago

        I’m not speaking about you specifically, I have no idea who you are. I’m talking about lemmygrad in general. Just like the person you were responding to was talking about. He asked “what did do?” And I’m clarifying that.

        It’s not that is simply “communist.”

          • @FaceDeer
            111 months ago

            Seems ironic in a thread where someone’s looking for minimally-blocked instances.

            But on the plus side, perhaps it illustrates the value of blocking.

          • comfy
            11 months ago

            They’re not sealioning, they’re responding to a bunch of strong, reasonably insulting allegations. Maybe not responding gracefully, but they’re not sealioning.

            In fact, I don’t even think it’s possible for one reply to be sealioning, the whole point is that it’s repetitive harassment (as stated in the wiki link you posted). That’s why the original comic strip that defined it has so many panels.

            • @0xc0ba17
              11 months ago

              There’s a thread of replies arguing on the semantics of communism, willfully ignoring the fact that FaceDeer’s issue is about LemmyGrad and not communism, and repeating “you’ve chosen to engage with me” while this is very obviously the other way around.

                • @FaceDeer
                  111 months ago

                  but says his issue is with how Lemmygrad is not communist.

                  Nope. I don’t care whether they’re communist or not, they’re apologists for authoritarians. The communism thing is just an excuse they dress that up in.

                  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
                    11 months ago

                    Nope. I don’t care whether they’re communist or not, they’re apologists for authoritarians. The communism thing is just an excuse they dress that up in.

                    You said previously:

                    Be mindlessly propagandistic “communist.” The countries they fawn over aren’t even particularly communist, they’re just authoritarian.

                    I was challenging your implied assertion that LG isn’t communist, or that currently existing socialist countries aren’t communist.

                    (For clarity, I’m using the terms “socialist”, “communist” and “Marxist-leninist” mostly interchangeably. That tends to be the practice in ML spaces, I’m happy to expand on that if it’s helpful).

                    It doesn’t seem like you’ve got the knowledge base to argue whether or not a country like China or the DPRK is or isn’t socialist. If you want to argue that they’re bad because they’re authoritarian, that’s fine by me.

                    Can you help me understand what you mean by “authoritarian” and how it doesn’t apply to Western/liberal democracies?

                    It’s my understanding that every state uses authority to force some level of compliance at some expense to personal freedom (i.e. giving me a ticket for making graffiti is authoritarian).

                    I don’t agree that every state’s use of authority is a bad thing.