Thinking more about this conversation,

I think this is a common use case:

  • I want to predominantly see content from topics that interest me, and also content from people whose ideas interest me.

If Lemmy is designed to only do one half, and Mastadon the other, what is the intended usage for people like me? Is there a way to use Lemmy and Mastadon together to get this?

I thought that Lemmy was planning this functionality. For example if Lemmy had an extra “sort type” option of “New posts involving people I follow”, that would be perfect.

  • @nutomicA
    43 years ago

    No linking of Lemmy and Pleroma accounts, you will simply be able to follow Lemmy accounts from Pleroma, and see their new posts/comments. While the Lemmy account like now will only be able to follow communities.

    • @roastpotatothiefOP
      53 years ago

      Oh that’s much simpler.

      So you’ll see people’s lemmy activity on Pleroma. But to respond, I guess there’ll be a link to go back to lemmy. I understand why you’re working so hard to get the activityPub interactions working perfectly first. Lemmy will really depend on the other services, to function properly.

      • @nutomicA
        63 years ago

        No, eventually you will be able to comment on Lemmy directly from Pleroma.

        • @roastpotatothiefOP
          33 years ago

          Oh that’s even better. Sounds really great actually for the user, thanks for explaining.

          I’ve no idea how much of a headache it is for devs, depending on other people’s projects, on the quality of their software.

          • @nutomicA
            33 years ago

            Its much easier than writing a whole interface for user following ourselves.

    • @TheConquestOfBed
      13 years ago

      Masto has a feature where you can verify a link to an external site on your profile. So if I, for example, put a link to my lemmy profile on mastodon and vice versa could lemmy recognize the link as ‘mine’?

      • @nutomicA
        23 years ago

        No we dont support that functionality at the moment.