Users: 380 (well for several months :check mark:)
Posts: 312 (not good :cross mark:, should be > 3 per non-banned user)
Comments: 317 (:white question mark:)

There might be something wrong in users’ interest in Lemmy :sad but relieved face:

  • @Lofenyy
    55 years ago

    Things take time to take off. The 380 users don’t reflect the people who actually use the site, it just represents those who have signed up. People probably joined with initial enthusiasm and interest, then probably maybe left a comment and/or made a post, and left, not signing back on because Reddit’s more interesting. As time goes on, this instance will grow healthier and healthier.

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      35 years ago

      What we could do is start cross-posting links from Reddit and beyond. Not steal other people’s original content, mind you, but news links and the like. Also, this instance is very politically and technically focused right now. Nothing wrong with that, but we need more entertainment communities (jokes, memes, etc) because those attract the layperson better.

      • @Lofenyy
        45 years ago

        Whenever I think about posting on Reddit, I try to post it here first. I’ve ben thinking about researching and blogging about internet communities and keeping them healthy. It can come in handy when it comes to growing Lemmy.

        • @AgreeableLandscape
          15 years ago

          I really think that the current goal should be getting a permanent Lemmy instance as soon as possible (unless we plan on just making this permanent and adding a “non-dev” instance later). That way, that link can be shared to people looking for new social media sites.

          • @Lofenyy
            25 years ago

            A lot of people have and will make accounts here for the sake of testing this place out. I think once Lemmy reaches 1.0.0, a reset wouldn’t hurt to clean up the cruft. The community will still be here but the dead accounts wont.

            • @yes
              14 years ago

              So, all accounts will be deleted at some point or only the dead ones?

              • @Lofenyy
                4 years ago

                I’m sadly not the right person to ask. /u/dessalines would be a better person to ask.

          • @Lofenyy
            15 years ago

            I think federation should be #1, but I think the dev wants to get Lemmy to a state of feature completeness first in terms of Reddit cloning. Eugen, the creator of Mastodon might have done the same with Mastodon, so this could be a proven strategy.

      • @Lofenyy
        35 years ago

        I think the best course of action is to stimulate the site, but to also let it grow organically. Let’s stick to a small number of communities and let them grow up to be self sufficient before adding random new communities. Adding content frequently and regularly is good, but we don’t also want to flood the front page too.