Or can not? Just wondering.

  • @andycuccaro
    24 years ago

    Mastodon users will be able to comment on lemmy threads without a lemmy account, for one. And follow users is another (although not quite the full experience). I think if lemmy communities were AP actors, just like lemmy users, they could be followed by Mastodon users too. But I’m not sure if that’s possible. I’m not too familiar with AP’s details nor Lemmy’s :grinning face with sweat:

    • Serge TarkovskiOP
      34 years ago

      That is exactly the question. How Lemmy communities will look like on the Mastodon side? If a user john posts to lemmy.ml/c/blablabla, will it appear on Mastodon as a post of blablabla-community@lemmy.ml or a post from john@lemmy.ml?