• @cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    As always, I’m currently playing Destiny 2. I’m grinding Master Nightfalls for Ascendant Shards and the Leviathan for Haunted Umbral energy. Grandmaster strikes return in a few days and I’m nervous and excited. This will be my 3rd time guilding the Conqueror seal.

    I’m excited for Gotham Knights releasing in a few weeks.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      32 years ago

      That last game seems neat, but for some reason, the premise doesn’t intrigue me that much.

      • @cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        42 years ago

        YMMV on if you like role-playing games. I like western RPG’s, and while Gotham Knights isn’t set in the same universe as the Batman: Arkham games, it definitely seems like a spiritual successor. And I love the Arkham games.