• Lenins2ndCat
        2 years ago

        This does not support your position that they are “self certified genocidal” and "fascist. What you have linked to quite explicitly states “the people are good, the government is bad”.

        You are committing a form of soft holocaust denial when you misuse the term genocide to describe something that is objectively not a genocide. It’s extremely offensive to actual victims of genocide and very damaging when we have to raise the issue of real genocides.

        • @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Liberals have reduced the word “genocide” from a term describing one of the greatest evils we humans are capable of, to a meaningless buzzword.

          They call everything a “genocide”, except for actual genocides like the Rohingya genocide or the Zionist colonization of Palestine, which they completely ignore.

        • @guojing
          -62 years ago

          The holocaust has nothing to do with this. In fact, its kind of funny that you brijg it up, because the holocaust is treated as the worst genocide ever, when the vast majority of people killed by Nazi Germany were ethnic slavs and Russians.

          • Lenins2ndCat
            82 years ago

            The holocaust has nothing to do with this.

            Distorting the meaning of the term genocide is well recognised as soft holocaust denial and stating this just shows how little you have ever read about the topic of holocaust denial and the muddying of the meaning of the word genocide.

            • @guojing
              -52 years ago

              I dont care what you and your buddies have recognized, and the term “soft holocaust denial” is complete nonsense.

              • Oatsteak
                72 years ago

                It’s a real term whether you think it’s nonsense or not

                • @guojing
                  -42 years ago

                  maybe on twitter…

                  • Oatsteak
                    52 years ago

                    Now I know you didn’t even Google it because no. You’re very wrong.

              • Lenins2ndCat
                62 years ago

                and the term “soft holocaust denial” is complete nonsense.

                I think you need to learn where the origin of the word genocide comes from. The word was developed in direct response to the holocaust by Raphäel Lemkin in 1944. The word did not exist before then.

                You can not disconnect the word genocide from its origin as a word that was specifically created to prevent people from being able to deny the holocaust, a huge amount of effort was put into making sure the holocaust would be extremely difficult to revise and/or forget by contorting it into something other than what it was.

                When you misuse it, you are directly taking part in misusing an important word in describing and defending the holocaust, developed specifically for the purposes of preventing holocaust denial.

                It is an action the helps holocaust deniers by changing the meaning of the word genocide. It is soft holocaust denial.

          • @kujaw
            22 years ago

            Most Jews in Polish territory back then were of Polish nationality.

          • Lenins2ndCat
            142 years ago

            I really don’t think that’s a constructive response to someone pointing out you’re doing soft holocaust denial. It’s pretty concerning behaviour actually. Weakening and misusing words like genocide and fascism actively helps fascists.

              • Lenins2ndCat
                2 years ago

                Either be accepted as a trusted source of knowledge or insight

                This is a very liberal attitude. CNN is a “trusted source of knowledge or insight” to millions of people but should it be? Absolutely fucking not.

                The merit of what is being said and the evidence presented stands on its own, regardless of the source it is coming from. You should just content on merit, not on institutions and positions with manufactured prestige.

                This whole mindset is what leads people to blindly believing anything they see from xyz source even when those sources put out mountains and mountains of absolute bullshit all the time.

                In this very thread you have lied more than once, linking to content from russian state media with the claim that it says something it does not. That is a fact and not at all “ad hominem”. Debatebro rubbish also became cringe at least a decade ago.

                  • Lenins2ndCat
                    132 years ago

                    See this shit here is worse than the shit that the admins have been tone policing people for. This is just intentionally inflammatory, adds nothing, and is participation in completely bad faith. Jog on mate.

              • Oatsteak
                92 years ago

                “If you want to change MY mind you gotta be an authority figure or threaten me!” — a free thinker

      • @gun
        112 years ago

        This was Google translated, but I think it gets the same meaning:

        Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship

        If I am anticipating your line of thought correctly, this quote should clarify and disproves that this journalist wants to kill the Ukrainian population. That is a bald-faced lie. On top of that, this is an opinion piece in the news. State run or not, it is not an official position of the Russian government.

          • @gun
            102 years ago

            What you are doing here is a form of gish-galloping. If I had the capacity to debunk everyone who says “Russia is committing genocide!” (of which there are countless), then I should be the UN’s top investigator. Maybe bring up a specific example?

            But what’s funny is even in that article, at least three people, including the Senior Legal Counsel of the Human Rights Watch are quoted saying that the evidence for genocide is insufficient.

            • 8Petros (he/him)
              2 years ago

              Their thinking is theirs, as well. I neither impose my perspective, nor accept other views at a face value. One need to earn my respect and trust first.

          • @peeonyou
            102 years ago

            Wikipedia is hardly a reliable source. I think you bought some kind of bs and you refuse to see how backwards it has you thinking.

            • 8Petros (he/him)
              -82 years ago

              Your thinking is yours, obviously. I have no problem with it.

        • 8Petros (he/him)
          -102 years ago

          State run or not, it is not an official position of the Russian government.

          Neither are https://myrotvorets.center/ statements official position of the Ukrainian government.

          So, either both or none…

          • @gun
            82 years ago

            I’ve never heard of this website so seems like an unrelated whataboutism.

            • 8Petros (he/him)
              -102 years ago

              Mate, the whole OP is about that site. Are you sure you know what thread you are in?

              • @gun
                72 years ago

                Do you know what thread you are in? This thread changed the topic from Pink Floyd to whether or not Russia is self-admittedly genocidal. So if you want to go back to Pink Floyd, you are changing the topic again.

                • 8Petros (he/him)
                  -82 years ago

                  I still see the same old OP, claiming that https://myrotvorets.center/ is the Ukrainian state’s “hitlist”. It must be some technical glitch, or perhaps we live in two parallel universes. :-)

                  • @gun
                    102 years ago

                    No it’s there, same universe. But again, that’s besides the point. We were talking about whether Russia is self-admittedly genocidal. That has nothing to do with Pink Floyd and the original article.

        • 8Petros (he/him)
          2 years ago

          I answered your question. The document I linked convinced me that Russian Federation has clear intent to wipe out Ukrainians as an ethnic and political entity. 8 months later, an in context of “genocide checklist” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide) compared with Russian actions and propaganda, I am even more convinced.

          Mind the fact that I present my perspective and factors that influenced it, not any kind of absolute truth. So feel free to ignore it.

                • 8Petros (he/him)
                  2 years ago

                  This is indeed an interesting issue. I was born and raised inside (then) Soviet block, and it is somewhat natural for me to decode the Soviet/Russian propaganda newspeak. I also do translations and write articles in this area for years now. But when I try to answer your question, I see that this text – taken separately from my experience and cultural background – is an example of dog-whistling. This is why “interpreting” it for someone from another bubble is a challenge. The best (if deeply imperfect) non-political analogy is a passive-aggressive attitude. Usually, an outsider cannot understand the tension, caused by seemingly neutral statements. It just needs insider’s perspective.

                  Now, when I started looking into it, I may offer you another way to go. There is a useful model of genocide process, formulated as a checklist of actions. This week is rather busy for me, but I see a need to prepare this checklist, supplemented (where they exist) with examples of Russian actions related to Ukraine. I will get it done within the next two weeks and post an English version here. This is the best I can do, sorry.

                  • @m532
                    82 years ago

                    1: yep

                    2: idk

                    3: yep

                    4: yep, “russian orcs”

                    5: yep, azov

                    6: yep

                    7: has to be

                    8: idk

                    9: yep, “russian orcs” again

                    10: yep

                    Conclusion: There is indeed a genocide going on in the donbas region.