• @OsrsNeedsF2P
    2 years ago

    Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good. All my friends and family use Signal, it was a multi-year effort to pull that off. Signal will roll out usernames faster than the tide will turn, so let’s take our wins and learn to be better.

    • @ree
      2 years ago


      I can almost exclusively chat with my social circle with signal now, been using it since 8-9 years.

      I’ve tried xmpp, matrix and some other. Signal is the only one that stuck, it’s not perfect but it’s fucking fine from my perspective.

        • @ree
          22 years ago

          Element had a lot of issue last time i’ve tested it: push notification issue, convulated ui, e2e encryption disabled by default, slow server.

          I had my own server for a while for my SO and I and we often missed each other messages plus the client was draining my phone battery.

          I love the briding capacity of matrix, I woulf like to spend an evening setting that up in order to aggregate all those messaging apps but I’m afraid it’s not worth it.

            • @ree
              22 years ago

              Yhea they’re improving quite a lot, it’s great to read. Do they encrypt metadata now?

          • @ree
            42 years ago

            And yes signal is far from perfect and moxie view on some key point such as centralization are not mine. Still it’s solid software .

    • @thervingi
      -32 years ago

      This is my argument for Telegram. It’s clients are open source and has good Linux support. And unlike Signal it’s actually nice to use. (non-tech people usually dislike using Signal, but the feedback from Telegram is very positive)

        • @thervingi
          02 years ago

          That’s why I prefer Matrix. But it’s hard to convince people to use Matrix so Telegram it is.