• @summerchild
    14 years ago

    You’re not really looking at it from the perspective of a beginner though, are you?

    Python is a great language for a beginner. It reads easily (as in, if you’re not familiar with programming syntax, you can still often make out what a program is doing) and you can very quickly get to a level where you can build something interesting. Sure, there are bad parts about Python, I won’t deny that, but I’d argue that most of them are not relevant to a beginner who will try to understand functions and for loops. Throwing a beginner into rust and its ownership system sounds awful.

    • Ephera
      14 years ago

      I agree that you can start build something in Python more quickly. But I’m also of the opinion that even just one hour is enough to learn enough about Java to then have a much easier time than with Python.
      Because the error messages in Python are just really hard to parse. Even as a reasonably experienced dev, I don’t know what the fuck, it’s trying to tell me most of the time.

      As for Rust for a beginner, I specifically chose the words “good/bad language”, because I wanted to exclude the metric of how quickly you can cobble together some horrible hack.
      But to be honest, I don’t think it would be that bad either. When you’re learning to program with those ownership semantics right away, I don’t think, it will trip you up as much.

      Obviously, it is a low-level programming language, it does force you to learn and decide on topics that a noob really doesn’t care for, but I do think, that it actually benefits from the same advantage that Python has: Setting up your first project is a matter of minutes.