This is arguably one of the most important archives of computer science and engineering information available. And 50 years of it is now free. Get out there and play while educating yourself on things you didn’t know were ancient history!

  • @brombek
    22 years ago

    OK, I am sorry about this. I should have written:

    Great, I am happy that this massive dump of research documents is now free for all to access. I wish they will release the next 22 years soon as well, by themselves, as the last 22 years are the most interesting research (lots has changed after the dot com boom).

    Anyway, I wish that research was not behind paywalls as it is today and that people of all backgrounds that have access to basic computer and internet connection could help progress the state of computer science (computer science requires very little money otherwise to participate in). Perhaps some regulation will be needed in the future to help this to happen as companies that make lots of monies as gatekeepers are not sufficiently motivated.