Using autocorrect makes typing much easier on phones. Not only you can write words you don’t know the spellings of correctly, but it also compensates for mis-hits on the tiny keyboard.

But one day I had to write something using a pen and paper and I realised that I had forgotten how to spell common words. For example I had no idea if it was “absense” or “absence”.

Then I turned off autocorrect on my phone so that I can relearn how to spell words. I have gotten a lot better since then.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

  • @xarvos
    162 years ago

    I use florisboard so there is no dictionary suggestion whjch is, as you said, hard to tyoe correctly. I find it frustrsting and sometimes too tired to correct them unless it’s absolitely unreadsble

    • @ksynwaOP
      32 years ago

      Lol I use it too.

      22 years ago

      I use OpenBoard. FlorisBoard is actually great, but as is still at beta stage… But same here, I turned off autocorrect, just left it as “recommended words”.

    • EvanM
      22 years ago
