All currencies are volatile. Your dollar or euro today does not have the same value it had yesterday, or will have tomorrow. Currencies are merely commodities that have no utility in their own right beyond their fungibility.
Often, your dollar or your euro fluctuates in value due to any number of manipulations that various actors (both government and private) perform. Monero should be more resistant to that.
People saying “Monero” - How is Monero a store of value if its price is volatile? The whole “Store of value” argument is nonsense
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I don’t worry about the DXY when transacting in dollars. The exchange-value isn’t what I’m after. I’m after the hardest, best money.
All currencies are volatile. Your dollar or euro today does not have the same value it had yesterday, or will have tomorrow. Currencies are merely commodities that have no utility in their own right beyond their fungibility.
Often, your dollar or your euro fluctuates in value due to any number of manipulations that various actors (both government and private) perform. Monero should be more resistant to that.
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Maybe attempt to expand upon it then. So that more people might come to understand it.