in addition to that, did you choose your job or was it something you fell into? do you enjoy it? I wanna know all the neat lil details, this stuff is really cool to me.

  • stopit
    3 years ago

    I work as a Gay Bath House attendant! I just fell into it, but I kinda enjoy it, sometimes it’s gross (I have to clean), but mostly fascinating. As far as “neat little details”, I have a lot of those, but without knowing my audience it is probably best to keep those to myself!

    I got fired from my long time job a while back and it was traumatizing. So, for now, I am not ready to go back to real work. I don’t have kids and I am well into middle age, so the work ambition really isn’t a thing for me, I’m fine surviving.

    • IcebergKeisberg
      3 years ago

      What is a gay bathhouse attendant and what do you do there? Is it like a private one room bathhouse where people go in to do their things or more like a turkish bath? I was thinking of opening a place like that, one server and a private house with a big jacuzzi of some sort, I am curious about the business model

      • stopit
        3 years ago

        A gay bathhouse attendant is fancy for: I clean up after people in a bath house. Gay bath houses vary, from very fancy and high end, to kinda scummy and dirty (although they’re both ‘dirty’). Usually there are public areas with Sauna, Hot tub, showers and lockers, and various “play” areas, I guess? Clients can also pay extra and get a private room in 6 hour intervals.